cf. BMLIII, p. 476, no. Q 3040, pl. 101 (from Ephesus, Flavian-Trajanic; D. M. Bailey)
cf. GerousiBendermacher2013, p. 38, no. 5 (Perissa, Thera; dated end 1st-beginning 2nd cs. CE)
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Typical fabric (pinkish orange; very fine, slightly soft; micaceous); firing; and surface treatment (orangish red slip; mostly thick but variable thickness, mottled to streaky, flakey in places; semilustrous).
Preservation comment
Nine joining fragments preserve most of lamp but missing front nozzle and small part of back base. Very slight, sparse abrasion and rare minor gouging; sharp breaks; sparse, thin white cloud (encrustation?).
Published as
KenchreaiV, p. 25, no. 123, pls. 5, 22 (H. Williams)