sim. Benoit 1958, pp. 8-9, fig. 4 (shipwreck near l‘Île du Levant, Toulon, Provence).
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Dark reddish orange fabric, consistently fired; hard, slightly gritty; uncommon to common, poorly sorted,tiny to small, dark gray and mostly black inclusions, very rare lime specks; sparse, tiny golden micaceous sparkles. Thin, even, dull wash over surface smoothed, fired slightly darker than fabric.
Preservation comment
Intact but missing handle and front corners of nozzle. Moderate, somewhat sparse abrasion and minor chipping around edges; worn breaks; scattered specks of encrustation especially on bottom.
Published as
KenchreaiV, p. 12, no. 52, pl. 2 (misnumbered in concordance; H. Williams)