- KTH0199a (Wall Plaster) [permalink] [next] [show fewer links]
- Type
- Inventoried Object
- Comment
- Logical part of
Threpsiades Inventoried Objects
- Description
Wall finishing with rough scoring on exterior; back is uneven with traces of mortar from support or underbedding. Plain, undecorated.
- Fabric, firing, and surface description
Grayish white plaster, medium coarse, with frequent sand and reddish chunks. Cf. KTH230a.
- Preservation comment
One large fragment plaster preserves one edge (a); 16 small, irregular fragments of plaster and mortar, some stained by rust.
- Preserved length
- Preserved width
- Thickness
- Material
Mortar/Plaster (Material)
- Photograph