- KTH0967 (Late Roman Amphora 2) [permalink] [next] [show fewer links]
- Type
- Inventoried Object
- In or from KTH Container
- Logical part of
Threpsiades Inventoried Objects
- Typological identification
Late Roman Amphora 2
- Fabric, firing, and surface description
Standard southern Argolid LRA2 fabric, firing, and surface: one large lime chunk spalling.
- Preservation comment
One sherd preserves 25% of rim down toward joint with upper neck. Slight, sparse abrasion with marginal chipping; worn breaks; thick patch of encrustation.
- Preserved height
- Estimated rim diameter
- Rim Height
- Material
Ceramic (Material)
- Drawing
- Photograph
- Linked to
KTH0921+0952+0966 (Late Roman Amphora 2)
KTH0952+0921+0966 (Late Roman Amphora 2)
KTH0966+0921+0952 (Late Roman Amphora 2)