Limestone (Material) [permalink] [show fewer links]
Typology Item
Stone (Material)
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Field book number C 82 (Fishing Weight Mold, stone)

KA015 (Hellenistic-Roman Limestone Molded Block)

KA016 (Hellenistic-Roman Limestone Molded Block)

KA018 (Hellenistic-Roman Limestone Molded Block)

KA022 (Early-Middle Roman Limestone Support, Base, or Leg)

KA036 (Limestone Millstone)

KA045 (Hellenistic-Roman Limestone Molded Block)

KA062+KA063 (Early-Middle Roman Limestone Miniature Altar)

KA063+KA062 (Early-Middle Roman Limestone Miniature Altar)

KA064 (Limestone Sculpted Block)

KA065 (Limestone Ground Stone)

KS001 (Early-Middle Roman Limestone Funerary Sculpture)

KA003 (Early-Middle Roman Limestone Altar)

KA004 (Early Roman Limestone Architrave Block)

KA005 (Ealy-Middle Roman Limestone Black with Molding)

KA007 (Early-Middle Roman Limestone Architectural Molding)

KA017 (Early Roman Limestone Cornice Block)

KA1990-001 (Early-Middle Roman Miniature Limestone Altar)

KS1990-001 (Early-Middle Roman Limestone Funerary Sculpture)

KE 169 (Miniature altar in limestone)

KE 525 (Limestone Mold for Lead Fishnet Weights)

KE 805 (Limestone Pilaster Capital)

KE 811 (Early Roman Greek Dedicatory Inscription)

KE 832 (Architecture with Sculpted Relief)

KE 833 (Limestone Architectural Fragment)

KE 1355 (Greek Dipinto)

KE 1356 (Greek Inscription)

KE 1357 (Greek Inscription)

KE 1358 (Limestone Block with Incised Decoration or Inscription)

KE 1481 (Limestone and Plaster)

KE 2078 (Late Archaic-Early Classical Greek Epitaph)

KE 2125 (Stone Anchor)

KTH2119 (Limestone Block with Gameboard)

KTH2609 (Worked Stone?)

KTH2810 (Stone Stopper)