Eastern Sigillata B [permalink] [show fewer links]
Typology Item
See also
Slipped Table Wares
AgoraXXXII, pp. 31-40, 140-161, nos. 185-431, figs. 7-14, pls. 7-19 (J. W. Hayes)
Hayes1985, pp. 49-70 (EAA-AtlanteII)
Major production of the red-gloss wares, or terra sigillata, based in western Asia Minor, in particular the area of Tralles. Manufacture and distribution in Aegean basin between very late 1st century BCE and end of 2nd or early 3rd c. CE (ca. 25/20 BCE-200 CE). Fine, light red to gray fabric, micaceous, with thick, soapy, glossy slip. Range of elaborate forms, though simplifying over time, under strong influence of western imports.
Has geographic origin
Asia Minor
Belongs to Historical Period
Early Roman (Historical Period)
Belongs to Historical Period
Middle Roman (Historical Period)
Linked to

KP097 (Eastern Sigillata B cup, Hayes Form 72)

KP098 (Eastern Sigillata B dish, Hayes Form 60)

KP107 (Eastern Sigillata B plate with vertical rim, Hayes Form 58)

KP115 (Eastern Sigillata B plate with vertical rim, Hayes Form 58)

KP143 (Eastern Sigillata B bowl, Hayes Form 79)

KP161 (Eastern Sigillata B shallow bowl, Hayes Form 80)

KP197 (Eastern Sigillata B dish, Hayes Form 60)

KP208 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 58)

KP215 (Eastern Sigillata B dish, Hayes Form 60)

KP238 (Eastern Sigillata B shallow bowl, Hayes Form 80)

KP319 (Eastern Sigillata B shallow bowl, Hayes Form 80)

KP330 (Eastern Sigillata B shallow bowl, Hayes Form 80)

KP334 (Eastern Sigillata B Bowl)

KP337 (Eastern Sigillata B shallow bowl, Hayes Form 80)

KP388 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 70)

KP391 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 58)

KP404 (Eastern Sigillata B Vessel)

KP1989-011+KP1989-044 (Regional Imitation Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 60)

KP1989-019 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 75)

KP1989-042 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 71)

KP1989-044+KP1989-011 (Regional Imitation Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 60)

KP1989-045 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 80)

KP1990-001 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 60)

KP1990-003 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 30)

KP1990-035 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 32)

KP283 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 60)

KE 360 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 23 with Stamp)

KE 394 (Eastern Sigillata B Stamp)

KE 398 (Eastern Sigillata B Stamp)

KE 426 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 70 with Stamp)

KE 427 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 37 with Stamp)

KE 429 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 63 with stamp)

KE 430 (Eastern Sigillata B Form 25(?) with Stamp)

KE 431 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 14-17)

KE 475 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 58 with Stamp)

KE 589 (Eastern Sigillata B with Stamp and Graffito)

KE 1250 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 71 with stamp and graffito)

KE 1365 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 70 small with Stamp)

KE 1485 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 70? with Stamp)

KE 2031 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 37)

KE 2159 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 60)

KE 2207 (Eastern Sigillata B Form 8)

KE 2214 (Eastern Sigillata B Form 8)

KE 2215 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 37)

KE 2219 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 60)

KTH0203 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 58)

KTH2341 (Corinthian Sigillata Imitation Dish)

KTH2361 (Eastern Sigillata B Bowl, Dish, or Plate)

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 23

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 24

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 30

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 37

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 56

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 58

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 60

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 63

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 70

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 71

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 72

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 75

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 79

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 8

Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 80

Unclassified Eastern Sigillata B

KTH2726 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 80)