- KP341 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Basin) [permalink] [show fewer links]
- Type
- Inventoried Object
- Logical part of
Inventoried Objects from the Greek-American Excavations at Koutsongila
- Description
Basin? Cylindrical but flaring(?) body. Interlocking bands of incised wave decoration.
- Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric (interior and core): 2.5YR 6/6, light red; (thin exterior surface): 10YR 7/2, light gray. Somewhat soft, smooth, fine fabric with few subrounded, small, white inclusions.
- Preservation comment
One sherd preserves small part of body. Possibly from same vessel as KP340. Slight chipping and erosion along breaks; slight gouging.
- Published as
MorisonRife2022, pp. 603, 699, 701, no. 190, fig. 17.45
- Preserved width
- Rim Height
- Chronology comment
Dated 6th century?