Inventoried Objects from the Greek-American Excavations at Koutsongila [permalink] [show more links]
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The Greek-American Excavations at Koutsongila
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KA013 (Early-Middle Roman Palmette Antefix)

KA014 (Early-Middle Roman Marble Revetment)

KA015 (Hellenistic-Roman Limestone Molded Block)

KA016 (Hellenistic-Roman Limestone Molded Block)

KA018 (Hellenistic-Roman Limestone Molded Block)

KA021 (Early-Middle Roman Tegula with Stamp)

KA022 (Early-Middle Roman Limestone Support, Base, or Leg)

KA024 (Roman Brick with Canine Pawprint)

KA025 (Early-Middle Roman Marble Pilaster Capital)

KA026 (Early-Middle Roman Marble Pilaster Capital)

KA028 (Roman Marble Sculpted Revetment(?))

KA031 (Late Roman Brick with Inscribed Crosses)

KA032 (Early-Middle Roman Tubulus)

KA033 (Early-Middle Roman Water Pipe)

KA034 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA035 (Early-Middle Roman Tile or Brick with Stamp)

KA036 (Limestone Millstone)

KA037 (Early-Middle Roman Tegula Mammata)

KA038 (Early-Middle Roman Tegula Mammata)

KA039 (Early-Middle Roman Marble Sculpted Slab)

KA040 (Early-Middle Roman Marble Sculpted Slab)

KA041 (Early-Middle Roman Attic Marble Sarcophagus Lid: Acroterion)

KA042 (Early-Middle Roman Marble Revetment)

KA043 (Classical-Hellenistic Corinthian Slipped Pan Tile)

KA044 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA045 (Hellenistic-Roman Limestone Molded Block)

KA046 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA047 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA048 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA049 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA050 (Roman Marble Crown Molding)

KA051 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA052 (Early-Middle Roman Marble Base Molding)

KA053 (Early-Middle Roman Marble Cornice)

KA054 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA055 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA056 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA057 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA058 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA059 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA060 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA061 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA062+KA063 (Early-Middle Roman Limestone Miniature Altar)

KA063+KA062 (Early-Middle Roman Limestone Miniature Altar)

KA064 (Limestone Sculpted Block)

KA065 (Limestone Ground Stone)

KA066 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA067 (Classical-Hellenistic Corinthian Slipped Pan Tile)

KA068 (Early-Middle Roman Marble Pilaster Capital)

KA069 (Early-Middle Roman Marble Revetment with Molding)

KA070 (Roman Marble Revetment)

KA071 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KA072 (Late Roman Bluish-Gray Schistose Marble Revetment)

KC026 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of Alexios I from Thessalonica)

KC027 (Early Roman sestertius of Hadrian from Rome)

KC028 (Early Roman sestertius of Hadrian from Rome)

KC029 (Early Roman sestertius of Trajan from Rome)

KC030 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

KC031 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine I from Constantinople)

KC032 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin, Anonymous Macedonian royal issue)

KC033 (Early-Middle Byzantine follis of Romanos I from Constantinople)

KC034 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius or Theodosius II from Constantinople)

KC035 (Early Roman as of Galba from Corinth)

KC036 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Rome, pierced)

KC037 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine pentanummion of Justin II and Sophia from Constantinople)

KC038 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II and Constans for the deified Constantine from Cyzicus)

KC039 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Heraclea)

KC040 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius Gallus from Thessalonica)

KC041 (Early-Middle Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth)

KC042 (Late Roman bronze coin)

KC043 (Early Roman as of Tiberius for the deified Augustus from Corinth)

KC044 (Venetian tornesello?)

KC045 (Early Classical stater from Corinth)

KC046 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

KC047 (Middle Roman antoninianus of Gallienus from Asia)

KC048 (Early Roman diassarion(?) of Hadrian from Corinth)

KC049 (Early Roman diassarion(?) of Antoninus Pius from Corinth)

KC050 (Early Roman as of Nero from Corinth)

KC051 (Early-Middle Hellenistic dichalkon of Pheneos)

KC052 (Early Hellenistic hemiobol from Athens)

KC053 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

KC054 (Late Roman bronze coin of Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, or Arcadius)

KC055 (Middle-Late Roman bronze coin)

KC056 (Late Classical bronze coin of Phlius)

KC057 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic dichalkon(?) of Sikyon)

KC058 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin from Sikyon)

KC059 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of the Boeotian League)

KC060 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Corinth)

KC061 (Early Roman as of Caligula from Corinth)

KC062 (Early-Middle Byzantine follis of Romanos I from Constantinople)

KC063 (Early Roman bronze coin of Antoninus Pius from Pisidian Antioch)

KC064 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

KC065 (Late Classical hemiobol of Sikyon)

KC066 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of the Arcadian League)

KC067 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Ptolemy III from Corinth)

KC068 (Modern 1-drachma of Konstandinos II)

KC069 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

KC070 (Late Roman bronze coin of Libius Severus from Rome)

KC071 (Early Roman bronze coin of Athens)

KC072 (Early-Middle Roman diassarion of Commodus from Patrae)

KC073 (Middle Byzantine tetarteron of John II from Thessalonica)

KC074 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II?)

KC075 (Late Roman dodekanummion of Justinian I from Alexandria)

KC076 (Middle Byzantine follis of Constantine VII from Constantinople)

KC077 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Thessalonica)

KC078 (Late Classical bronze coin of Corinth)

KC079 (Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Patrae)

KC080 (Early Roman as from Corinth)

KC081 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II?)

KC082 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian III from Rome)

KC083 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Alexandria)

KC084 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, or Honorius)

KC085 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius from Aquileia)

KC086 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Heraclea)

KC087 (Middle-Late Hellenistic tetrachalkon of Megara)

KC088 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Arcadius, or Honorius)

KC089 (Late Roman bronze coin of Marcian)

KC090 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius II from Constantinople)

KC091 (Late Roman bronze coin of Arcadius from Constantinople)

KC092 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius or Theodosius II from Constantinople)

KC093 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II, Constantius Gallus, or Julian II Caesar)

KC094 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine II from Siscia)

KC095 (Early Roman bronze coin of Marcus Aurelius from Corinth)

KC096 (Early Byzantine follis of Phocas from Antioch-Theupolis)

KC097 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Cyzicus)

KC098 (Late Roman bronze coin of Honorius)

KC099 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine II from Rome)

KC100 (Middle Byzantine follis, Anonymous Class A2)

KC101 (Late Roman follis of Justinian I from Constantinople)

KC102 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine pentanummion of Justin II and Sophia from Cyzicus)

KC103 (Early Roman as of Augustus from Corinth)

KC104 (Early Roman obol of Athens)

KI009 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)

KI010 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)

KI011 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)

KI012 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Greek Inscription)

KI013 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)

KI014 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)

KI015 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Greek Inscription)

KI016 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)

KI017 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)

KI018 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)

KI019 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Greek Inscription)

KI020 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Greek Inscription)

KI021 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)

KI022 (Early Roman Latin Inscription)

KI023 (Late Roman Greek Inscription)

KI024 (Early Roman Latin Inscription)

KI025 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)

KI026 (Early-Middle Roman Ashlar with Inscribed Letter)

KI027 (Late Roman-Early Byzntine Greek Epitaph)

KI028 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Christian Greek Epitaph)

KI029 (Early Roman Latin Inscription)

KL046 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL047 (Early-Middle Hellenistic Rhodian Lamp)

KL048 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL049 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL050 (Early Roman Corinthian Imitative or Italian Lamp)

KL052 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Regional Lamp)

KL055 (Early Roman Italian Lamp, Handle Ornament)

KL056 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL057 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL058 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Regional Lamp)

KL059 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL060 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL061 (Early Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL062 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL063 (Early Roman Corinthian Transitional Lamp)

KL064 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL065 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL066 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL067 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL068 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL069 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Egyptian Lamp)

KL070 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL071 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL072 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL073 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Asia Minor Lamp)

KL074 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL075 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL076 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL077 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL078 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL079 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL080 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL081 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL082 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL083 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL084 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL085 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL086 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL087 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL088 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL089 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL090 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL091 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL092 (Early-Middle Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL093 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL094 (Early Roman Italian Lamp)

KL095 (Early Roman Italian Lamp)

KL096 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL102 (Early-Middle Roman Italian Lamp)

KL103 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL104 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL105 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL106 (Early Roman Corinthian Imitative Lamp)

KL107 (Early Roman Corinthian Imitative Lamp)

KL108 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL109+KL176 (Early Roman Corinthian Imitative lamp)

KL110 (Early Roman Corinthian Imitative Lamp)

KL111 (Early-Middle Roman Italian Plastic Lamp)

KL112 (Early Roman Italian lamp)

KL113 (Early Roman Italian lamp)

KL114 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Athenian Lamp)

KL115 (Early Roman Corinthian Transitional Lamp)

KL116 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL117 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL118 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL119 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL120 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL121 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL122 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL123 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Asia Minor lamp)

KL124 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL125 (Late Roman North African lamp)

KL126 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL127 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL128 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL129 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL130 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL131 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL132 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL133 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL134 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL135 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL136 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL137 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL138 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL148 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL149 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL150 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL151 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL152 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL153 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Aegean Lamp)

KL154 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL155 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL156 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL157 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Asia Minor Lamp)

KL158 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL160+KL168 (Early Roman Corinthian Transitional Lamp)

KL161 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL162 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL163 (Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL164 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL165 (Early Roman Corinthian Transitional Lamp)

KL166 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL167 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL168+KL160 (Early Roman Corinthian Transitional Lamp)

KL169 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL170 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL171 (Early Roman Corinthian Transitional Lamp)

KL172 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL173 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL174 (Early-Middle Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL175 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL176+KL109 (Early Roman Corinthian Imitative lamp)

KL177 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL178 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL179/183 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL180 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL181 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL182 (Early Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL183/179 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL184 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL185 (Early Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL186 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL187 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL188 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL189 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL190 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL191 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL192 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL193 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL194 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL195 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL196 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL197 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL198 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL199 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL200 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL201 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL202 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL203 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL204 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL205 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL206 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL207 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL208 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL209 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Asia Minor Lamp)

KL210 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL211 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Asia Minor Lamp)

KL212 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL213 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL214 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL215 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL216 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL217 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL218 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL219 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL220 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL221 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL222 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL223 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL224 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL225 (Early-Middle Roman Campanian or Tripolitanian lamp)

KL226 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Egyptian(?) Lamp)

KL227 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL228 (Middle Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL229 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL230 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL231 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL232 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL233 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL234 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL235 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL236 (Early Roman Corinthian Transitional Lamp)

KL237 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL238 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL239 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

KL240 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Athenian Lamp)

KL241 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL242 (Early Roman Corinthian Imitative Lamp)

KL243 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL244 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL245 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL246 (Late Republican-Early Imperial Italian lamp)

KL247 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL248 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Asia Minor Lamp)

KL249 (Late Archaic-Early Classical Athenian Lamp)

KL250 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL251 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Aegean or Asia Minor Lamp)

KL252 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL253 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Asia Minor Lamp)

KL254 (Early-Middle Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL255 (Early Roman Corinthian Imitative Lamp)

KL256 (Early Byzantine Regional Circular Lamp)

KL257 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp)

KL258 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL259 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Asia Minor Lamp)

KL260 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL261 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL262 (Early Roman Corinthian Transitional Lamp)

KL263 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp)

KL264 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic Corinthian Lamp)

KL265 (Early-Middle Classical Corinthian Lamp)

KM005a1-a36 (Iron nails)

KM005b1, b2 (Iron nails)

KM005c1-c54 (Iron nails)

KM005d1-d46 (Iron Hobnails)

KM005e1-e26 (Iron nails)

KM058 (Early Roman Western Asia Minor(?) glass large flask)

KM140 (Prehistoric Obsidian Blade)

KM141 (WW-II American Bullet Casing)

KM144 (Early Roman Northern Italian Glass Beaker)

KM145 (Early-Middle Roman Imported Large Glass Bottle)

KM146 (Early-Middle Roman Egyptian Glass Squat Unguentarium)

KM147 (Raw Lead(?))

KM148 (Middle-Late Roman Eastern Glass Small Flask/Jug)

KM154 (Late Roman Marble Shallow Platter or Table Top)

KM156 (Bronze nail)

KM157 (Early Roman Italian Glass Cup or Small Deep Bowl)

KM158 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Cup or Beaker)

KM159 (Iron nail)

KM160 (Prehistoric Obsidian Blade)

KM161 (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup)

KM162 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze pendant cross)

KM163 (Early-Middle Roman Imported glass small cylindrical bottle)

KM164 (Middle Roman-Early Byzantine Glass Small Cylindrical Bead)

KM165 (Early Roman Gold-foil Impression of Hellenistic Sikyonian coin)

KM166 (Late Roman Gold-foil Impression of Late Roman coin of Zeno)

KM167 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Miniature Bronze Spoon)

KM168 (Prehistoric Obsidian Flake)

KM169 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze Pendant Bell with Iron Clapper)

KM170 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze Lentoid Button)

KM171 (Early-Middle Roman Bone figural pendant)

KM172 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Iron Spearhead)

KM173 (Early Roman Glass Stepped Conical Bead)

KM174 (Prehistoric Obsidian Blade)

KM175 (Prehistoric Obsidian Blade)

KM176 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze earring)

KM177 (Early-Middle Roman Glass unguentarium)

KM179 (Iron Nail)

KM180 (Early Byzantine Bronze Buckle)

KM181 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Zoomorphic Bronze Buckle)

KM182 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze Polygonal Pendant)

KM183 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Iron Buckle)

KM184 (Late Roman Lead Fishnet Weights)

KM185 (Early Roman Western Asia Minor Terracotta Figurine of Female)

KM186 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze earring)

KM187 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Silver Earring)

KM188 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze pendant bell with iron clapper)

KM190 (Early-Middle Roman Blue Glass-Paste Gem as Amulet)

KM191 (Bronze nail)

KM192 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze Earring)

KM193 (Early-Middle Roman Bronze Finger Ring with Cornelian Intaglio)

KM194 (Early Roman Eastern Glass Unguentarium)

KM195 (Knidian Relief-Ware Patera, Zoomorphic Handle)

KM196 (Early-Middle Roman Iron Finger Ring with Cornelian Intaglio)

KM197 (Modern Royal Hellenic Cap Badge)

KM198 (Early-Middle Roman Bronze Finger Ring)

KM199 (Early-Middle Roman Bone Pin)

KM200 (Early-Middle Roman Molded Plaque or Lid)

KM201 (Early-Middle Roman Bone Pin)

KM202 (Lead Strip)

KM203 (Bronze Needle)

KM204 (Bronze Nail)

KM205 (Lead Stopper or Weight?)

KM206 (Middle-Late Roman Eastern Glass Unguentarium)

KM207 (Bronze nail)

KM208 (Bronze nail)

KM210 (Raw Lead(?))

KM211 (Prehistoric Obsidian Blade)

KM212 (Lead Strip)

KM213 (Early-Middle Roman Bone Pin)

KM214 (Early-Middle Roman Bone Pin)

KM215 (Classical-Early Roman Bronze Arrowhead)

KM216 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Glass Goblet)

KM217 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Unguentarium)

KM218 (Early-Middle Roman Silver Earring)

KM219 (Early Roman Italian glass unguentarium)

KM220 (Early-Middle Roman Bronze Finger Ring)

KM221 (Early-Middle Roman Bronze Finger Ring)

KM222a (Early-Middle Roman Glass unguentarium)

KM222b (Early-Middle Roman Glass beaker)

KM223 (Early-Middle Roman Bone Pin)

KM224 (Early-Middle Roman Bone Pin)

KM225 (Early-Middle Roman Syro-Palestinian glass shallow bowl)

KM226 (Roman-Early Byzantine Marble Large Fluted Bowl)

KM227 (Late Roman Gold Buttons or Button Coverings)

KM228 (Bronze nail)

KM229 (Intact Tun or Cask Shell: container? souvenir?)

KM230 (Segment of Triton Shell: implement? veneer? patch?)

KM231 (Prehistoric Chert Flake)

KM232 (Early-Middle Roman Imported glass large bottle)

KM233 (Early Roman Italian(?) glass ribbed shallow bowl)

KM234 (Late Archaic-Classical Imported(?) Terracotta Figurine of Female)

KM235 (Early Roman Syro-Palestinian glass ribbed deep bowl)

KM236 (Prehistoric Obsidian Blade)

KM237 (Late Roman-Byzantine(?) Iron Arrowhead)

KM238 (Early-Middle Roman Electrum or Gilded Copper-Alloy Finger Ring with Relief)

KM240 (Early Roman Gold-Foil Impression of Hellenistic Sikyonian Coin)

KM241 (Bronze nail)

KM242 (Middle-Late Roman Syro-Palestinian glass amphoriskos)

KM243 (Early-Middle Roman Knidian Lampstand)

KM244 (Roman Marble Small Mortarium)

KM245 (Prehistoric Obsidian Blade)

KM246 (Roman-Early Byzantine Marble Large Fluted bowl)

KM248 (Prehistoric Chert Flake)

KM249 (Late Roman Marble Shallow Platter or Table Top)

KM250 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Miniature Bronze Spoon)

KM251 (Early-Middle Roman Glass unguentarium)

KM252 (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup or small deep bowl)

KM253 (Roman Marble Stone Bowl/Mortarium or Sculpture?)

KM254 (WW-II Italian Bullet Casing)

KM255 (Early-Middle Roman Glass unguentarium, small flask, or jar)

KM256 (Early-Middle Roman Glass bowl)

KM257 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Glass Jug)

KM258 (Bronze fishhook)

KM259 (Lead strip)

KM260 (Roman Marble Small Bowl)

KM261 (Andesite or Basalt Millstone)

KM262 (Andesite Handstone)

KM263 (Early-Middle Roman Glass unguentarium or small flask)

KM264 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Eastern(?) Glass Cup, Small Bowl, or Goblet)

KM265 (Early-Middle Roman Glass unguentarium or flask)

KM266a (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Eastern glass bowl lamp or goblet lamp)

KM266b (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Eastern glass bowl lamp or goblet lamp)

KM266c (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Eastern glass bowl lamp or goblet lamp)

KM267 (Late Roman Imported Dip-Mold-Blown Glass Flask)

KM268 (Middle-Late Roman Imported glass jug)

KM269 (Early-Middle Roman Imported Glass Large Bottle)

KM270 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Unguentarium?)

KM271 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Beaker)

KM272 (Ancient Stone Stopper or Plug)

KM273 (Bronze nail)

KM274 (Iron blade)

KM275 (Early-Middle Roman Bronze Finger Ring)

KM276 (Lead Stopper or Weight?)

KM277 (Early Roman Gold-foil Impression of Hellenistic Sikyonian coin)

KM278 (Roman Bluish-Gray Schistous Marble Palette)

KM279 (Early-Middle Glass flask)

KM280 (Iron nail)

KM281 (Iron nail)

KM282 (Iron nail)

KM283 (Bronze thimble)

KM284 (Bronze nail)

KM285 (Raw lead?)

KM286 (Iron nail)

KM287 (Bronze nail)

KM288 (Bronze nail)

KM290 (Iron nail)

KM291 (Iron nail)

KM292 (Roman-Early Byzantine Iron Wire: cup handle?)

KM293 (Iron nail)

KM294 (Iron nail)

KM295 (Iron nail)

KM296 (Iron nail)

KM297 (Iron nail)

KM298 (Iron nail)

KM299 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Beaker)

KM300 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Cup or Small Bowl)

KM301 (Lead Fishnet Weights)

KM302 (Iron nail)

KM303 (Iron nail)

KM304 (Iron nail)

KM305 (Iron nail)

KM306 (Iron nail)

KM307 (Iron nail)

KM308 (Iron hobnail)

KM309 (Iron nail)

KM310 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Cup)

KM311 (Lead Fishnet Weights)

KM312 (Iron nail)

KM313 (Iron nail)

KM314 (Early-Middle Roman Bronze Wire: cup handle?)

KM315 (Iron nail)

KM316 (Iron nail)

KM317 (Iron nail)

KM318 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Eastern Glass Bowl(?) Lamp)

KM319 (Early Roman Italian “Emerald” Cast-Glass Small Bowl)

KM320 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Deep Bowl)

KM321 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Glass Goblet)

KM322 (Middle-Late Roman Glass Beaker or Jar)

KM323 (Sandstone Whetstone)

KM324 (Prehistoric Chert Flake)

KM325 (Roman Marble Large, Shallow Bowl)

KM326 (Roman Marble Shallow Mortarium)

KM327 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine(?) Iron Spearhead)

KM328 (Iron blade)

KM329 (Lead fishhook)

KM330 (Prehistoric Obsidian Blade)

KM331 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Bronze Needle)

KM332 (Prehistoric Obsidian Flake)

KM333 (Prehistoric Obsidian Flake)

KM334 (Roman Cylindrical Stopper)

KM335 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Beaker or Deep Bowl)

KM336 (Early Roman Glass Cup or Beaker)

KM337 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Deep Bowl or Beaker)

KM338 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Beaker)

KM339 (Early-Middle Roman Syro-Palestinian glass unguentarium)

KM340 (Early Roman Imported Glass Small Deep Bowl)

KM341 (Middle-Late Roman Syro-Palestinian Glass Deep Bowl)

KM342 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Cup)

KM343 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Beaker)

KM344 (Middle-Late Roman Syro-Palestinian glass lamp)

KM345 (Middle-Late Roman Syro-Palestinian glass bowl)

KM346 (Middle-Late Roman Syro-Palestinian glass deep bowl)

KM347 (Lead Fishnet Weight)

KM348 (Lead patch: pot mender)

KM349 (Lead patch: pot mender)

KM350 (Roman Iron and lead rotary mechanism: pulley? wheel? lock?)

KM351 (Late Hellenistic-Early Roman Ephesian Fine Gray-Ware Platter)

KM352 (Early Roman Glass Dish)

KM353 (Early Roman Hofheim Cup)

KM354 (Middle-Late Roman Glass Cup)

KM355 (Early-Middle Roman Bone Pin)

KM356 (Middle Roman-Byzantine Glass Bracelet)

KM357 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Beaker)

KM358 (Early Roman Mosaic Glass Bowl)

KM359 (Early Roman(?) Glass Jug)

KM360 (Early-Middle Roman Imported glass shallow bowl)

KM361 (Middle Roman(?) Glass beaker)

KM362 (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup or small bowl or beaker)

KM363 (Early Roman Central Italian(?) Glass Beaker)

KM364 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Shallow Bowl)

KM365 (Early-Middle Roman Syro-Palestinian Glass Deep Bowl)

KM366 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Small Square Bottle)

KM367 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Cup or Bowl)

KM368 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Beaker)

KM369 (Early Roman Glass Cup)

KM370 (Early Roman Syro-Palestinian(?) glass amphoriskos)

KM371 (Middle Roman-Early Byzantine Glass Bowl)

KM372 (WW-II German Lead Inspection Stamp from Firearm)

KM373 (Early Roman Hofheim Cup)

KM374a (Early-Middle Roman Imported glass large bottle)

KM374b (Middle-Late Roman Eastern glass sprinkler)

KM375 (Knidian Relief-Ware Askos: Sheep)

KM376 (Early-Middle Roman Glass small deep bowl)

KM377 (Early-Middle Roman Imported glass small bottle)

KM378 (Middle-Late Roman Syro-Palestinian glass shallow bowl)

KM379 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Glass goblet)

KM380 (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup)

KM381 (Middle-Late Roman Glass Jug)

KM382 (Early-Middle Roman Glass deep bowl)

KM383 (Middle Roman Syro-Palestinian mold-blown glass grape-cluster flask)

KM384 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Bowl or Beaker)

KM385 (Middle-Late Roman Glass square bottle)

KM386 (Middle-Late Roman Syro-Palestinian glass jar)

KM387 (Early Roman(?) Glass flask or jug)

KM388 (Late Roman Imported Dip-Mold-Blown Glass Flask)

KM389 (Early Roman Imported glass skyphos)

KM390 (Early Roman Hofheim cup)

KM391 (Early-Middle Roman Glass small deep bowl)

KM392 (Early-Middle Roman Glass unguentarium, small flask, or jar)

KM393 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Syro-Palestinian or Egyptian glass bowl lamp)

KM394 (Middle-Late Roman Glass deep bowl)

KM395 (Late Roman Imported Dip-Mold-Blown Glass Flask)

KM396 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Glass goblet)

KM397 (Middle Roman Syro-Palestinian glass flask)

KM398 (Late Roman Imported Dip-Mold-Blown Glass Flask)

KM399 (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup, small bowl, or beaker)

KM400 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Glass goblet)

KM401 (Early-Middle Roman Glass deep bowl)

KM402 (Early Roman Mold-blown enameled glass cup(?))

KM403 (Middle-Late Roman Glass beaker)

KM404a (Early-Middle Roman Glass unguentarium)

KM404b (Early-Middle Roman Glass deep bowl)

KM404c (Middle-Late Roman Syro-Palestinian glass shallow bowl)

KM404d (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup, small bowl, or beaker)

KM405 (Early Roman Glass deep bowl)

KM406a (Early Roman Imported glass small deep bowl)

KM406b (Early Roman Imported glass deep ribbed bowl)

KM407 (Middle-Late Roman Glass flask or jug)

KM408 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Glass cup, bowl, dish, or lamp)

KM409 (Middle-Late Roman Glass flask or jug)

KM410 (Early-Middle Roman Glass beaker or deep bowl)

KM411 (Early Roman Syro-Palestinian mold-blown glass cup with motto)

KM412a (Early-Middle Roman Syro-Palestinian glass unguentarium)

KM412a (Early-Middle Roman Syro-Palestinian glass)

KM412b (Early-Middle Roman Glass deep bowl)

KM412c (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup)

KM412d (Middle-Late Roman Glass deep bowl)

KM413 (Middle-Late Roman Syro-Palestinian(?) glass cup)

KM414 (Roman Glass jug)

KM415a/c (Early Roman Imported Glass ribbed deep bowl)

KM415b (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup or small deep bowl)

KM416 (Early Roman Glass cup or small deep bowl)

KM417a (Early Roman Northern Italian glass amphoriskos)

KM417b (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup)

KM418 (Middle Hellenistic-Roman Glass tessera)

KM419 (Early-Middle Roman Glass deep bowl)

KM420 (Early-Middle Roman Imported glass ribbed deep bowl)

KM421a (Early-Middle Roman Glass deep bowl)

KM421b (Early-Middle Roman Glass unguentarium or flask)

KM422 (Early Roman Imported glass large bottle)

KM423 (Early Roman Glass modiolus(?))

KM424 (Early-Middle Roman Glass beaker)

KM425 (Early-Middle Roman Syro-Palestinian glass deep bowl)

KM426 (Early-Middle Roman Cast-Glass Shallow Bowl)

KM427 (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup or beaker)

KM428 (Early-Middle Roman Glass bowl)

KM429 (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup or small bowl)

KM430 (Middle-Late Roman Syro-Palestinian glass deep bowl)

KM431 (Early-Middle Roman Glass beaker)

KM432 (Middle Roman Glass beaker)

KM433a (Early-Middle Roman Glass deep bowl)

KM433b (Middle-Late Roman Syro-Palestinian glass jar or flask)

KM434 (Middle-Late Roman Glass sprinkler(?))

KM435 (Ancient Stone Stopper or Plug(?))

KM436 (Early-Middle Roman Glass Cup or Small bowl)

KM437 (Earlty Roman Imported glass deep ribbed bowl)

KM439 (Early Roman Imported glass deep ribbed bowl)

KM441a (Early-Middle Roman Glass Cup or Small Bowl)

KM441a (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup or small bowl)

KM441b (Early-Middle Roman Glass Beaker)

KM441b (Early-Middle Roman Glass beaker)

KM442 (Middle-Late Roman Syro-Palestinian glass deep bowl)

KM443 (Early-Middle Roman Glass deep bowl)

KM444 (Early-Middle Roman Glass deep bowl)

KM445 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Glass flask or jug)

KM446 (Early-Middle Roman Glass deep bowl)

KM447a (Early-Middle Roman Western Glass shallow bowl)

KM447a (Early-Middle Roman Western glass shallow bowl)

KM447b (Early Roman Italian Glass small cup)

KM447b (Early Roman Italian glass small cup)

KM448 (Early-Middle Roman Glass unguentarium, small flask, or jar)

KM449 (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup or small bowl)

KM450 (Early-Middle Roman Glass bowl)

KM451 (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup)

KM452 (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup or small bowl)

KM453 (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup)

KM454 (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup or small bowl)

KM455 (Early-Middle Roman Glass beaker)

KM456 (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup or beaker)

KM457 (Early-Middle Roman Glass beaker)

KM458 (Roman Glass large flask)

KM459 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Glass goblet)

KM460 (Roman Glass shallow bowl or lamp)

KM461 (Early-Middle Roman Glass deep bowl)

KM462 (Early-Middle Roman Glass deep bowl)

KM463 (Early-Middle Roman Glass unguentarium, small flask, or jar)

KM464 (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup or beaker)

KM465 (Early-Middle Roman Glass cup or small bowl)

KM466 (Early-Middle Roman Glass shallow bowl or dish)

KM468 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Windowpane)

KM469 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Windowpane)

KM470 (Middle-Late Roman Syro-Palestinian glass lamp or beaker)

KM471 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Windowpane)

KM472 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Windowpane)

KM473 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Windowpane)

KM474 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Windowpane)

KM475 (Middle-Late Roman Glass Bracelet)

KM476 (Early Roman Imported Red Cast-Glass Bowl)

KP092 (Early Roman Piriform Unguentarium)

KP093 (Dressel 1 Amphora)

KP094 (Middle Roman Regional Pedestal Krater)

KP095 (Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 4)

KP096 (Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 2)

KP097 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 72)

KP098 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 60)

KP099 (Roman Sherd Stopper)

KP100 (Early-Middle Hellenistic Attic Wheelmade Lekane or Shallow Bowl)

KP101 (Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 18.2)

KP102 (Italian Sigillata Vessel)

KP103 (Early Roman Imported Frying Pan)

KP104 (Early Roman Imported Casserole)

KP105 (Middle Hellenistic Corinthian Molded Bowl)

KP106 (Early Roman Regional Cooking Pot)

KP107 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 58)

KP108 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Everted-Rim Stewpot)

KP109 (African Red-Slip Hayes Form 23B)

KP110 (Eastern Sigillata C Loeschcke Form 19/Hayes Form 3)

KP111 (Early-Middle Hellenistic Imported Bowl)

KP112 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Krater or Lekanis)

KP113 (Early Roman Imported Frying Pan)

KP114 (Late Classical Attic Glazed Ovoid Kotyle)

KP115 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 58)

KP116 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic Imported Fine Gray-Ware Bowl)

KP117 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Cooking Pot)

KP118 (Italian Sigillata Cup with Stamp)

KP119 (Middle Hellenistic Corinthian Molded Relief Ware, Concentric-Semicircle (“Shield”) Bowl)

KP120 (Early-Middle Roman Casserole)

KP121 (Early-Middle Roman Everted-Rim Stewpot)

KP122 (Middle Hellenistic Knidian Amphora, Stamped)

KP123 (Corinthian Pomegranate Vase in Late Geometric/Early Protocorinthian Style)

KP124 (Middle Hellenistic Knidian Amphora, Stamped)

KP125 (Dressel 5 Amphora)

KP128 (Italian Sigillata Plate with Appliqué)

KP129 (Italian Sigillata Carinated Cup with Stamp)

KP130 (Middle-Late Hellenistic Coirinthian(?) Molded Relief-Ware Bowl)

KP131 (Early-Middle Hellenistic Corinthian Blister-Ware(?) Spouted Vessel)

KP132 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Fusiform Unguentarium)

KP133 (Early Roman Regional Basin)

KP134 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Pitcher)

KP135 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Cylindrical Lekythos)

KP136 (Middle Roman Zemer 57 Amphora)

KP137 (Early Roman Brazier or “Firestand“)

KP138 (Middle Roman Sinopean Amphora)

KP139 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Squat Globular Pitcher)

KP140 (Late Byzantine Painted Jar)

KP141 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Globular Pitcher)

KP142 (Eastern Thin-Walled-Ware Mug)

KP143 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 79)

KP144 (Early Roman Knidian Gray-Ware Cup)

KP145 (Eastern Thin-Walled-Ware Mug)

KP146 (Early Roman Regional Cinerary Urn)

KP147 (Athenian or Imitation Gouged-Ware Jug)

KP148 (Early Roman Imported Frying Pan)

KP149 (Early Roman Regional Krater)

KP150 (Early Roman Knidian Brittle-Ware Deep Bowl)

KP151 (Eastern Thin-Walled-Ware Mug)

KP152 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Piriform Lekythos)

KP153 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Pitcher)

KP154 (Late Roman Pitcher)

KP155 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Cylindrical Lekythos)

KP156 (Early Roman Pamphylian Amphora)

KP160 (Middle Roman Amphora)

KP161 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 80)

KP162 (Early Roman Regional Cooking Pot)

KP164 (African Red-Slip Vessel Stamp)

KP165 (Late Classical Corinthian Bowl)

KP166 (Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 18.2)

KP167 (African Red Slip Hayes Form 9)

KP168 (Dressel 1B/C Amphora, Campanian)

KP169 (Pontic Sigillata Zhuravlev Form 3)

KP170 (Eastern Sigillata C Loeschcke Form 19/20)

KP171 (Early Byzantine Slavic-Ware Beaker)

KP172 (Middle Roman Amphora 3)

KP173 (Eastern Thin-Walled-Ware Cup)

KP174 (African Red-Slip Vessel Stamp)

KP177 (Middle Roman Amphora 3)

KP178 (Early Roman Piriform Unguentarium)

KP179 (Italian Sigillata Vessel with appliqué)

KP180 (Athenian Gouged-Ware Jug)

KP181 (Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 3)

KP182 (Gaulish Sigillata Molded Relief Ware)

KP183 (Early Roman Imported Frying Pan)

KP184 (Early Roman Regional Cooking Pot)

KP185 (Italian Sigillata Conspectus Form 23 with appliqué)

KP186 (Athenian Painted-Ware bowl, zoomorphic handle)

KP187 (Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 9)

KP188 (Early Roman Peloponnesian Bowl with Barbotine)

KP189 (Early Roman Rhodian Amphora)

KP190 (Middle Roman Regional Vertical-Rim Stewpot)

KP191 (Early-Middle Roman Regional(?) Amphora)

KP192 (Early Roman Imported Frying Pan)

KP193 (Forlimpopoli C Amphora)

KP194 (Eastern Thin-Walled-Ware Mug)

KP195 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Pitcher)

KP196 (Early Roman Imported Frying Pan)

KP197 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 60)

KP198 (Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 3)

KP199 (Eastern Sigillata B Plate with Stamp)

KP200 (Middle-Late Roman Regional Basin)

KP201 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Pitcher)

KP202 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Pitcher)

KP203 (Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 3)

KP204 (Early-Middle Roman(?) Imported Cooking-Ware Lid)

KP205 (Early-Middle Roman Knidian Relief-Ware Askos)

KP206 (Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 37)

KP207 (Italian Sigillata Chalice cf. Conspectus Form R 6)

KP208 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 58)

KP209 (Middle Roman Regional Pedestal Krater)

KP210 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Cooking-Ware Lid)

KP211 (Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 48)

KP212 (Early-Middle Roman Everted-Rim Stewpot)

KP213 (Early Roman Knidian Gray-Ware Cup)

KP214 (Middle Roman Pedestal Krater)

KP215 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 60)

KP216 (African Red-Slip Hayes Form 16)

KP217 (Dressel 24 Amphora variant with dipinto)

KP218 (Italian or Gaulish Sigillata Molded Relief Ware)

KP219 (Italian Sigillata Molded Relief Ware)

KP220 (Eastern Thin-Walled-Ware Mug)

KP221 (Early Roman Imported Frying Pan)

KP222 (Early Roman Brazier or “Firestand“)

KP223 (Roman Sherd Stopper)

KP224 (Early-Middle Roman Pedestal Krater)

KP225a (Forlimpopoli C/E amphora)

KP225b (Late Hellenistic-Early Roman Moldmade Stopper)

KP226 (Middle Roman Amphora 3)

KP227 (Middle Roman Amphora 3)

KP228 (Early Roman Imported Casserole)

KP229 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Pitcher)

KP230 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Pitcher(?))

KP231 (Dressel 2-4 Amphora, Italian)

KP232 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Pitcher)

KP233 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Pitcher)

KP234 (Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 3)

KP235 (Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 22B)

KP236 (Early Roman Knidian Gray-Ware Cup)

KP237 (African Red-Slip Hayes Form 14A)

KP238 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 80)

KP239 (Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 1)

KP240 (Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 3)

KP241 (Middle Roman Amphora 3)

KP242 (Oversized Eastern Thin-Walled-Ware Cup with Graffito)

KP243 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Pitcher)

KP244 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Cooking-Ware Lid)

KP245 (Early-Middle Roman Casserole)

KP246 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Pitcher)

KP247 (Early-Middle Roman Imported Casserole)

KP248 (Late Roman C Ware with Stamp)

KP249 (Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3B/C)

KP250 (Early-Middle Roman Everted-Rim Stewpot)

KP251 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Bowl)

KP252 (Middle-Late Roman Regional(?) Basin)

KP253 (African Red-Slip Hayes Form 58B)

KP254 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lead-Glazed Cup)

KP255 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Cretan Amphora)

KP256 (Athenian Painted-Ware Bowl or Plate)

KP257 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Basin)

KP258 (African Red-Slip Vessel Stamp)

KP259 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Cooking Pot)

KP260 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Squat Globular Pitcher)

KP261 (Athenian Gouged-Ware Jug)

KP262 (Late Roman Regional(?) Cooking Pot)

KP263 (Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3E)

KP264 (Early Roman Knidian Gray-Ware Cup)

KP265 (Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 2)

KP266 (Early Byzantine Pitcher)

KP267 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Piriform Lekythos)

KP268 (Early Byzantine Jug)

KP269 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Mug)

KP270 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Mug)

KP271 (Athenian Gouged-Ware Jug)

KP272 (Late Roman Globular Pitcher)

KP273 (Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3C with Stamp)

KP307 (Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 3)

KP308 (African Red-Slip Hayes Form 50A)

KP309 (African Red-Slip Vessel)

KP310 (Late Roman C Ware Bowl)

KP311 (Late Roman C Ware Bowl)

KP312 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Pitcher)

KP313+321 (Early Roman Regional Cinerary Urn)

KP314+316 (Eastern Sigillata C Loeschcke Form 20)

KP315 (Eastern Thin-Walled-Ware Mug)

KP316 (Eastern Sigillata C Loeschcke Form 20)

KP317 (Early Roman Regional Pitcher)

KP318 (Middle Roman Amphora 3)

KP319 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 80)

KP320 (Eastern Thin-Walled-Ware Cup)

KP321+313 (Early Roman Regional Cinerary Urn)

KP322 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Pitcher)

KP323 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Pitcher)

KP324 (Late Roman Regional Pitcher)

KP325 (Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3E/F)

KP326 (Eastern Sigillata C Loeschcke Form 26B)

KP327 (Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 3)

KP328 (Pontic Sigillata Zhuravlev Form 29)

KP329 (Eastern Thin-Walled-Ware Cup)

KP330 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 80)

KP331 (Crétoise 2 Amphora)

KP332 (Middle Roman Amphora 3)

KP333 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Cooking-Ware Lid)

KP334 (Eastern Sigillata B Bowl)

KP335 (Early Roman Painted Stamnos)

KP336 (Early Roman Peloponnesian Globular Cup with Barbotine)

KP337 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 80)

KP338 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Pitcher)

KP339 (Athenian Painted-Ware Keel-Rim Bowl)

KP340 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Basin)

KP341 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Basin)

KP342 (Archaic Kotyle(?) in Early-Middle Corinthian Style)

KP343 (Middle Hellenistic Gray-Ware Molded Relief Ware)

KP344 (Middle Hellenistic Gray-Ware Molded Relief Ware)

KP345 (Early Roman Asia Minor Cooking Pot)

KP346 (Italian Sigillata Vessel)

KP347 (Eastern Thin-Walled-Ware Cup)

KP348 (Eastern Thin-Walled-Ware Cup)

KP349 (Early-Middle Roman Casserole)

KP350 (Late Roman C Ware with Stamp)

KP351 (Late Roman C Ware with Stamp)

KP352 (Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3 variant cf. H)

KP353 (African Red-Slip Vessel Stamp)

KP354 (Middle Roman Amphora 3)

KP355 (Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 47)

KP356 (Middle-Late Roman Regional Red-Slip Bowl)

KP357 (Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3)

KP358 (Knidian Relief-Ware Patera, Emblema)

KP359 (Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 1)

KP360 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Regional Cooking Pot)

KP361 (Hellenistic-Early Roman Imported Cooking Pot)

KP363 (Athenian Painted-Ware Keel-Rim Bowl)

KP364 (Early Roman Imported Frying Pan)

KP365 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Cooking-Ware Lid)

KP366 (Early Roman Regional Basin)

KP367 (Late Roman Regional Amphora)

KP368 (Late Roman Near Eastern Cooking Pot)

KP369 (Middle Hellenistic Knidian Amphora, Stamped)

KP370 (Middle Byzantine Corinthian Incised-Sgraffito Plate, Intermediate/Free Style)

KP371 (Middle Byzantine Corinthian Fine Sgraffito shallow bowl/plate)

KP372 (Middle Byzantine Sgraffito-Ware Bowl or Plate)

KP373 (Middle Byzantine Corinthian Fine or Incised-Sgraffito Plate)

KP374a (Middle Byzantine Corinthian(?) Green and Brown Painted-Ware Bowl)

KP375 (Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 3)

KP376+KP415 (Middle Roman Corinthian Relief-Ware Bowl)

KP377 (African Red-Slip Hayes Form 99B)

KP378 (Early Byzantine/Early Islamic Levantine Juglet)

KP379 (Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 22A/B)

KP380 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Pitcher)

KP381 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Everted-Rim Stewpot)

KP382 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Pitcher)

KP383 (Early Roman Imported Frying Pan)

KP384 (Early Roman Ovoid Jar)

KP385 (Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 3)

KP386 (Corinthian version of Crétoise 1 Amphora)

KP387 (Late Roman Amphora 2)

KP388 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 70)

KP389 (Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 2)

KP390 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Pitcher)

KP391 (Eastern Sigillata B Hayes Form 58)

KP392 (Eastern Thin-Walled-Ware Mug)

KP393 (Agora M273 Amphora)

KP394 (Roman Ceramic Grill)

KP395 (Early Roman Vertical-Rim Stewpot)

KP396 (Early-Middle Roman Regional Pitcher)

KP397 (Late Roman Regional Cooking Pot)

KP398 (Middle-Late Roman Regional Basin)

KP399 (Forlimpopoli A2 Amphora)

KP400 (Middle Byzantine Corinthian Fine Sgraffito Bowl/Plate)

KP401 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Pitcher)

KP402 (Late Roman Cooking Pot)

KP403 (Eastern Sigillata C Hayes Form 2)

KP404 (Eastern Sigillata B Vessel)

KP405 (Late Roman C Ware Hayes Form 3F)

KP406 (African-Red-Slip Hayes Form 67)

KP407 (Middle Byzantine Corinthian Fine Sgraffito Bowl/Plate)

KP408 (Ottoman Glazed Stemmed Bowl)

KP409 (Middle Byzantine Corinthian Incised-Sgraffito Bowl, Medallion Style)

KP410 (Middle Byzantine Corinthian Incised-Sgraffito Plate, Medallion Style)

KP411 (Ottoman-Early Modern Slip-Painted-Ware Pitcher)

KP412 (Middle Byzantine Corinthian Green and Brown Painted-Ware Bowl/Plate)

KP413 (Middle Byzantine Corinthian(?) Green and Brown Painted-Ware Bowl/Plate)

KP414 (Early Hellenistic Attic Wheelmade Cup)

KP415+KP376 (Middle Roman Corinthian Relief-Ware Bowl)

KP416 (Early-Middle Hellenistic Argive Fish Plate)

KP417 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Pitcher)

KP418 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Piriform Lekythos)

KP419 (Early Byzantine Slavic-Ware Beaker)

KS001 (Early-Middle Roman Limestone Funerary Sculpture)

KS002a (Roman Marble Draped Figural Sculpture)

KS002b (Roman Marble Draped Figural Sculpture)

KS003 (Roman Marble Draped Figural Sculpture)

KS004 (Roman Marble Draped Figural Sculpture)

Suggested citation
“Inventoried Objects from the Greek-American Excavations at Koutsongila.” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>