Signature: CorinthIV.2, pp. 207, 307, no. 716, pl. XXXI (O. Broneer; ΒΑΛΕ[ΡΙΟΥ] | ΛΕ)
Signature: DelosXXVI, pp. 119–120, 135, no. 4659, fig. 9:5, pl. 31 (P. Bruneau; ΒΑΛΕΡΕΙ|ΟΥ; “probablement début du IIIe s.”)
Signature: LABNI, pp. 26–27, no. 26 (M.-C. Hellmann; ΒΑΛΕΡΙΥΟ)
Underside of nozzle forms a pointed ridge. Body below suture is somewhat rounded down to base. Flat base is set slightly within resting surface and has single circular groove around worn incuse signature: Β[ΑΛΕΡΙΟ]|Υ.
“KL245 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>