cf. AgoraV, pp. 34–35, no. G 123, pl. 38 (H. S. Robinson: “Numerous fragments of such braziers turn up in deposits of the 1st century after Christ in the Agora excavations”)
Brazier. Semicircular(?), vertical wall with thickened, flat lip and rounded, thickened front edge; broad lug at upper front corner projects upward to support pot.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric: 10R 6/8, light red; (thin surface): 5YR 4/1, dark gray. Hard, medium coarse fabric with common, large mica, common, poorly sorted, spherical, white inclusions, few, poorly sorted, spherical, gray inclusions, and rare, small, red specks. Imported?
Preservation comment
One fragment preserves most of upper front right corner, broken at top, and small part of wall. Moderate erosion and abrasion; slight to moderate patches of encrustation.
“KP222 (Early Roman Brazier or “Firestand“).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>