Format: prob. Loeschcke Typus V=Broneer Type XXIV=Bailey Type C group iv (Flavian-Trajanic)
Typological identification comment
Shoulder: Loeschcke Schulterform VIb
Motif: cf. Deneauve1969, p. 152, no. 596, pl. LXI (Type V D=Loeschcke Typus V; Carthage, second half 1st century C.E.)
Motif: cf. Heres1972, p. 90, no. 608, pl. 63 (Antikensammlung, Berlin; second half 1st century C.E.)
Motif: cf. deBrunGagniere1937, pp. 20, 23, no. 29 bis, pl. III (Musée Calvet d’Avignon)
Circular discus has figural relief and one prominent, narrow, rounded framing ring. Preserved relief of dense folds of clothing in lower right discus. This type depicts reverse bust of seminude maenad in profile wearing thick ivy wreath tied behind in ribbons and billowing garment gathered in knot at right shoulder, facing left to detached thyrsus and frond(?). Plain, sloping shoulder. Semivolute nozzle. This type has grooved ring handle.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric: 2.5Y 8/2, white. Slip: 10YR 4/3, dark brown. Somewhat soft, fine, porous fabric with sparse, small to large, white inclusions. Thick, even, dull slip, eroding extensively in large flakes. Corinthian.
Preservation comment
One large fragment preserves ca. 25% of discus and small part of shoulder and top of nozzle. Extensive abrasion and slight gouging.
“KL106 (Early Roman Corinthian Imitative Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>