cf. CL 2417 (unpublished lamp from the 1935 excavations at Corinth)
cf. CL 2419 (unpublished lamp from the 1935 excavations at Corinth)
cf. CorinthIV.2, p. 206, no. 702, pls. XII, XXXI (O. Broneer; signed ΑΡΙϹΤΟΝΕ[ΙΚΟΥ])
cf. Gerousi2010, pp. 220, 228, no. Λ132, fig. 4 (Perissa, Thera, end 2nd century [but too late])
cf. Pliakou2007, vol. 1, p. 559, vol. 2, p. 386, nos. 110, 112 (Nikopolis, first half 2nd century)
Circular, shallow, plain discus has central filling hole with wide rim and double framing rings and figural relief of three masks. Shoulder has channel with prominent, sharp rim and raised, trapezoidal panels. Forked ridge between converging channel rims at base of nozzle. Small rounded nozzle; traces of burning. Lower handle has two grooves and ends in point close to base. Body below suture curves down to base. Flat, wide base has circular groove around incuse signature: ΑΡΙϹΤΟΝΕ̣[ΙΚΟΥ (omicron is bull’s-eye ornament with small triple circle). Details are sharp.
Preservation comment
7.5YR 7/3, pink. Typical Early-Middle Roman lamp fabric: buff. Sparse, small clay nodules in signature.
Preservation comment
Sixteen large fragments, 14 joining, preserve ca. 75% of discus and shoulder and 33% of base. Slight abrasion across discus; slight, very sparse encrustation.
Published as
Rife2022d, pp. 775-776, 840-841, no. 350, fig. 19.18
“KL182 (Early Roman Corinthian Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>