cf. AgoraVII, p. 94, no. 259, pl. 8 (J. Perlzweig; first half 2nd century)
cf. CorinthIV.2, p. 188, no. 556, pl. XI (signed ΕΥΠΛΟΥΔ[ΟΥ?])
cf. FDelphesV.1, p. 188, no. 513, fig. 809=Bruneau1971, pp. 468–469, no. 26, fig. 26=Petridis2011, pp. 326–327, no. 6, fig. 7 (signed ΤΕΡ◎ΤΙΟΥ; tomb near Musée de Delphes)
cf. FDelphesV.1, pp. 188, 190–191, no. 542, fig. 831 (signed ΠΟΥΠΛΙΟΥ; tomb at Pylaia near Delphi, 2nd century)
cf. KenchreaiV, p. 44, no. 166, pls. 8, 23 (H. Williams; uncertain signature; north mole, first half 2nd century).
cf. Konstantinou1965, p. 305, no. 12, pl. 359:γ=Bruneau1977, p. 276, no. 66=Petridis2011, pp. 324–325, no. 3, fig. 4 (signed ΚΑ[Ρ]ΠΟΦΟΡΟ|Υ; tomb near Musée de Delphes)
cf. Pliakou2007, vol. 1, p. 547, vol. 2, pp. 380–381, nos. 51 (signed ΚΟΙΝΤΟΥ; Nikopolis, probably first quarter 2nd century), 60 (central circle on base; Nikopolis, first quarter 2nd century)
Circular, concave discus has central filling hole with broad rim and ring, rays, small airhole at bottom, and prominent framing ring. Broad, flat shoulder has large ovules (11 per side) with double circles flanking nozzle. Long kite-shaped nozzle has rounded underside; traces of burning. Ring handle has two grooves. Upper handle slightly overlaps ovules and framing ring; lower handle is flanked by double circles and does not reach base. Body below suture slopes steeply down to base. Flat base has single circular groove around incuse signature: ΠΟΥΠΛΙΟΥ. Details are sharp.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
7.5YR 7/6, reddish yellow. Material typical for ware. Sparse, small to large clay nodules.
Preservation comment
Seven large joining fragments preserve complete lamp except small part of lower wall.
“KL161 (Early-Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>