Upper to middle portion of antefix with palmette and mask in crisp relief. Face preserves six full and three partial fronds of palmette with 11(?) fronds. Leaves grow out from small mask with heavy brow, long and thin nose, and two round cheeks: gorgoneion? Volute right of face below fronds. Painted dark red to accentuate the details in relief. Back is concave with flat border around perimeter.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric: 7.5YR 6/6, reddish yellow. Paint: 10R 3/6, dark red. Soft, dense, medium-fine clay with rare, small, rounded to subangular, white and very rare, very small, subangular to angular black inclusions. Thin, even, semiglossy paint, preserved in patches in grooves. Moldmade.
Preservation comment
One fragment preserves roughly two thirds of object. Slight, sparse abrasion and chipping; deep gouge across right side.
“KA013 (Early-Middle Roman Palmette Antefix).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <http://kenchreai.org/gaek/ka013>