KP270 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Mug) [permalink] [show more links]
Inventoried Object
Logical part of
Inventoried Objects from the Greek-American Excavations at Koutsongila
cf. Aupert1980, pp. 429–430, no. 241, fig. 41 (Argos)
False ring foot with high bevel, irregularly cut. Slightly concave on underside, with traces of red slip. Irregular globular body. Flaring neck. Rounded lip. Oval handle attaches to middle of body and top of lip. Trimming marks.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
2.5 YR 6/6, light red. Hard, smooth, fine fabric with rare mica and rare, small, subrounded to angular, white and black inclusions.
Preservation comment
Intact. Slight chipping on rim and cracking at base; slight to moderate, patchy to extensive encrustation.
Published as
MorisonRife2022, pp. 601, 685, 686, no. 162, fig. 17.34
Base Diameter
Body diameter
Other Dimensions
H. 0.133–0.142
Chronology comment
Dated late 6th century?
Belongs to Historical Period
Early Byzantine (Historical Period)
Belongs to Historical Period
Late Roman (Historical Period)
Ceramic (Material)
Suggested citation
“KP270 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Mug).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>