On Green and Brown Painted ware, Group III, see CorinthXI, pp. 77–80.
Decoration: cf. CorinthXI, pp. 78, 221, no. 477, pl. XXIII:b (C. Morgan)
Form: cf. CorinthXI, p. 78, fig. 56:a (C. Morgan; dish with upturned rim and ring foot)
Bowl. Flaring wall. Vertical, slightly flaring, tapering rim with rounded to slightly pointed lip. Exterior unfinished; interior has white slip up over rim, green and dark brown paint, and clear glaze over green. Decoration painted in broad and narrow strokes on rim: broad, oblique stripes of green (leaves?) from rim-body joint out to lip separated by thin brown lines; dark brown to black horizontal line along rim-body joint; solid green field or band on upper body.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric: 2.5YR 6/6, light red. Slip: white. Paint: light green to green (PMS 5777–7490) and dark brown to black (7.5YR 3/1). Glaze: clear. Somewhat soft, fine fabric with rare, small to medium, rounded, white (lime) inclusions. Thin, uneven slip, slightly flaky. Thin, uneven, matte paint, flaky. Thin, even, semilustrous glaze over paint.
Preservation comment
Two small fragments, one preserving small part of rim and upper body. Slight, sparse abrasion and chipping along breaks; slight, extensive encrustation.
“KP374a (Middle Byzantine Corinthian(?) Green and Brown Painted-Ware Bowl).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <http://kenchreai.org/gaek/kp374a>