cf. PortaleRomeo2001, p. 304, pl. LII:f (tipo TRC2, orlo f; Gortyn, Pretorio, dated second half 5th-670 CE)
sim. Hayes2001, pp. 450–451, no. B 63, fig. 10 (late form; Medical faculty site, Knossos; context dated ca. 620–640 CE)
sim. Rendini1997, pp. 374, 377, fig. 146, pl. CXLVIII:a (tipo tardoantiche=Gortina I 278; Gortyn, Pretorio, dated 6th-7th century)
Fabric, firing, and surface description
7.5YR 6/8, red. Hard, medium fine, with smooth break and slightly powdery surface texture. Uncommon, poorly sorted, small, tabular, subangular, and rounded, white (calcareous) inclusions visible in section and surface; rare, small, varied, gray to black inclusions. Surface faintly smoothed. Cretan.
Preservation comment
One large fragment preserves ca. 25% of shoulder, entire neck, ca. 55% of rim, one entire handle, and upper attachment of other handle. Moderate chipping; moderate patches of natural encrustation, not mortar.
Published as
MorisonRife2022, pp. 615, 734, 735, no. 268, fig. 17.67 (“Regional fractional form; late derivative of Cretan? ... 5th to 6th century“)
“KP255 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Cretan Amphora).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>