Top: cf. AgoraVII, pp. 178, 179, nos. 2449, 2479, pls. 39, 40 (J. Perlzweig)=Karivieri1996, p. 188, no. 87, pl. 46 (second half 5th century)
Top: cf. Gerousi2010, pp. 222, 229, no. Λ8, fig. 16 (signed ΑΘΗ; mid-5th century, Perissa, Thera)
Top: cf. KerameikosXVI, pp. 268–269, no. 4257, pl. 73 (B. Böttger)
Tear-shaped outline. Oval, concave discus has relief of cross monogram with rho open right, scalloped or dotted ends, and single circle at intersection; three holes in quadrants. Raised rim has been manually flattened for stamping with single circles after molding. Slightly sloping shoulder has herringbone in low relief that shows retouch-ing. Rounded nozzle framed by double angled grooves, retouched, has airhole at top and short groove to wickhole; traces of burning. Rhomboid spaces beside wickhole have been manually flattened for stamping with small pentagrams after molding. Tall, thick, solid handle has three grooves above and two below; lower handle has flanking grooves. Flat base has double almond-shaped grooves around incuse design of palm branches in cross and four single circles in quadrants, perhaps added during retouching. In general, retouched elements are much sharper than original details of model—cross, upper-left herringbone, handle grooves, branches—which are blurry.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
2.5YR 5/8, red. Material typical for ware. Unglazed. Sparse, large clay nodules.
Preservation comment
Intact. Slight, sparse pitting and abrasion; scattered patches of encrustation.
“KL130 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>