KL179/183 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp) [permalink] [show more links]
Inventoried Object
JLR (2024) revised Rife2022d.
Logical part of
Inventoried Objects from the Greek-American Excavations at Koutsongila
Typological identification
Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp, red-on-white
Format: sim. BMLIII, p. 374, no. Q 3025, pl. 99 (D. M. Bailey; from Ephesos, Flavian–Trajanic)
Format: sim. PergForsch13, p. 115, no. 223, pl. 6 (A. Heimerl; mid-late 1st century)
Stemmed leaf motif: cf. EphesosIX.3, pp. 120, 129, no. L35, pl. 100 (R. Meriç; Schachtbrunnen am Staatsmarkt)
Stemmed leaf motif: cf. PergForsch2, pp. 136, 139, nos. Q42, Q46, Q49, pls. 62–65 (J. Schäfer; Late Hellenistic Pergamene lamps, “Herzblattlampe“)
Tear-shaped outline. Concave discus with outer rim terminating in volutes at base of nozzle and inner rim forming a point in channel between volutes. Narrow, sloping shoulder has large, cordate leafs with sharply curved stems in relief flanking handle and small leafs in relief near nozzle. This form would have a heart-shaped nozzle. Narrow, pierced handle has two grooves above and over top but none below. Flat, raised base.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric: 2.5YR 6/6, light red. Slip: 2.5YR 5/8, red. Typical material for ware. White underslip. Somewhat thick, mostly even, semiglossy slip.
Preservation comment
Two nonjoining sherds (179/183) preserve back of discus, shoulder, intact handle, and small part from front right shoulder up to nozzle. Slight erosion; sparse, thick encrustation.
Published as
Rife2022d, pp. 767, 828-829, no. 329, fig. 19.10
Preserved length
Other Dimensions
H. base-shoulder 0.030
Other Dimensions
H. base-top handle 0.048
Other Dimensions
H. shoulder-top handle 0.018
Chronology comment
Dated late 1st-early 2nd century.
Ceramic (Material)
Linked to

KL183/179 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp)

Suggested citation
“KL179/183 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <http://kenchreai.org/gaek/kl179>