Base: cf. BML3, pp. 108, 136, 345, fig. 142, pl. 86 (D. M. Bailey; from Knidos, 2nd century)
Base: cf. BenghaziIII.2, pp. 94–95, nos. C 654 bis, C 655, C 661, fig. 18, pl. XIX (D. Bailey; imports from Knidos, second half 1st–first half 2nd century)
Circular, concave discus has raised rim and prominent flat framing ring. Plain, flat shoulder with rounded rim. Pierced handle has two grooves. Flat base has circular groove around incuse planta pedis pointing to nozzle with heel, ball, and toes articulated.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric: 5YR 4/1, dark gray (interior) to 5YR 5/6, yellowish red (exterior). Slip: 10YR 5/8, yellowish brown. Hard, fine, micaceous fabric with uniform consistency and rare, small, subrounded to angular, white and gray inclusions. Thin, lustrous slip with faint golden sheen, preserved across much of surface. Knidian.
Preservation comment
Five fragments, two joining, preserve most of base, 25% of shoulder, and parts of nozzle, discus, and lower handle. Traces of encrustation.
“KL093 (Early Roman Asia Minor Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>