cf. CorinthXI, pp. 282, 286, nos. 1175, 1218 (C. Morgan)
Sgraffito decoration incised by fine point on floor: medallion containing pyramidal seven-leaved palmette (neither rectilinear, spiral, nor split) on imbricated ground enclosed by at least one line. Details are freely but finely rendered.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric: 5YR 6/4, light reddish brown. Slip: creamy white. Glaze: light yellow to yellow (PMS 155–7508). Somewhat hard, fine fabric with few visible inclusions or voids, only very rare, small, black specks (carbonous?). Thick, even, dull slip as wash. Thin (exterior?) to thick (interior), even, fine, lustrous glaze shows crazing. Shallow bowl or plate. Exterior has worn white slip-wash, possibly covered with clear glaze; interior has creamy white slip and light yellow to yellow glaze.
Preservation comment
One fragment preserves small part of floor. Very slight, very sparse pitting and chipping; slight, sparse encrustation.
“KP400 (Middle Byzantine Corinthian Fine Sgraffito Bowl/Plate).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>