KP131 (Early-Middle Hellenistic Corinthian Blister-Ware(?) Spouted Vessel) [permalink] [show more links]
Inventoried Object
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Not before (date)
Logical part of
Inventoried Objects from the Greek-American Excavations at Koutsongila
Blister-ware(?) spout of pouring vessel. Long, tapering spout has thick walls; flap of clay from unsmoothed join to body partially obstructs wider end of spout. Not enough preserved to determine whether it belonged to filter vase, feeder, or small funnel.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
10YR 5/1, gray. Hard, very fine fabric with rare, very small golden mica flecks and very rare lime bits. Possible traces of thin, glazed bands (Gley 2 3/5PB, very dark bluish gray) at end of spout and at join with body. Corinthian.
Preservation comment
One large fragment preserves almost entire spout. Slight abrasion and chipping; extensive, slight abrasion.
Published as
Bravo2022, pp. 570, 579-580, no. 14, fig. 16.3
Estimated diameter lower bound
Estimated diameter lower bound
Estimated diameter upper bound
Preserved height
Chronology comment
Dated late 4th-mid-2nd century BCE.
Has geographic origin
Belongs to Historical Period
Early Hellenistic (Historical Period)
Belongs to Historical Period
Middle Hellenistic (Historical Period)
Ceramic (Material)
Suggested citation
“KP131 (Early-Middle Hellenistic Corinthian Blister-Ware(?) Spouted Vessel).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>