Middle Hellenistic (Historical Period) [permalink] [show more links]
Historical Period
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Historical Chronology
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KC041 (Early-Middle Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth)

KC046 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

KC051 (Early-Middle Hellenistic dichalkon of Pheneos)

KC053 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

KC059 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of the Boeotian League)

KC067 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Ptolemy III from Corinth)

KC069 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

KC087 (Middle-Late Hellenistic tetrachalkon of Megara)

KL047 (Early-Middle Hellenistic Rhodian Lamp)

KM165 (Early Roman Gold-foil Impression of Hellenistic Sikyonian coin)

KM277 (Early Roman Gold-foil Impression of Hellenistic Sikyonian coin)

KP100 (Early-Middle Hellenistic Attic Wheelmade Lekane or Shallow Bowl)

KP105 (Middle Hellenistic Corinthian Molded Bowl)

KP111 (Early-Middle Hellenistic Imported Bowl)

KP119 (Middle Hellenistic Corinthian Molded Relief Ware, Concentric-Semicircle (“Shield”) Bowl)

KP122 (Middle Hellenistic Knidian Amphora, Stamped)

KP124 (Middle Hellenistic Knidian Amphora, Stamped)

KP130 (Middle-Late Hellenistic Coirinthian(?) Molded Relief-Ware Bowl)

KP131 (Early-Middle Hellenistic Corinthian Blister-Ware(?) Spouted Vessel)

KP343 (Middle Hellenistic Gray-Ware Molded Relief Ware)

KP344 (Middle Hellenistic Gray-Ware Molded Relief Ware)

KP369 (Middle Hellenistic Knidian Amphora, Stamped)

KP416 (Early-Middle Hellenistic Argive Fish Plate)

KL001 (Middle Hellenistic Athenian[?] Lamp)

KL283 (Middle/Late Hellenistic Knidian Lamp)

Co 128 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Patrae)

Co 151 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of the Thessalian League)

Co 160 (Early-Middle Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth with countermarks)

Co 213 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Alexander I Balas from Antioch)

Co 237 (Early-Middle Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth)

Co 255 (Early-Middle Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth with countermark)

Co 263 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of the Epirote League)

Co 270 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Sikyon)

Co 405 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Delos)

Co 419 (Middle-Late Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth with countermark)

Co 421 (Middle Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 422 (Early-Middle Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 478 (Early-Middle Hellenistic chalkous from Sikyon)

Co 508 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of the Thessalian League)

Co 515 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Mytilene)

Co 518 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Dyrrhachion)

Co 522 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Karystos)

Co 562 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Illyrian Apollonia)

Co 589 (Middle Hellenistic tetrachalkon of Ambracia)

Co 659 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Philip V of Macedonia)

Co 680 (Middle-Late Hellenistic tetrachalkon of Megara)

Co 704 (Middle Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 707 (Middle Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 789 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of the Thessalian League)

Co 791 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 801 (Middle-Late Hellenistic dichalkon of Euboean Chalcis)

Co 874 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of the Euboean League)

Co 906 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Sicyon)

Co 911 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Cyme in Aeolis)

Co 921 (Late Classical-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Dyrrhachion)

Co 933 (Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Athens)

Co 934 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Kos)

Co 937 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Megara)

Co 1014 (Early-Middle Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth)

Co 1052 (Middle Hellenistic tertachalkon of Ambracia)

Co 1145 (Middle Hellenistic hemidrachm of the Arcadian League)

Co 1308 (Early-Middle Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth with countermark)

Co 1327 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin of Keos)

Co 1349 (Early-Middle Hellenistic bronze coin from Paros with countermark)

Co 2002 (Early-Middle Hellenistic chalkous of Sikyon)

Co 2011 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin of Megara)

Co 2012 (Early-Middle Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy III from Corinth)

Co 2018 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin from Megara)

Co 2030 (Middle-Late Hellenistic bronze coin from Megara)

Co 2035 (Middle Hellenistic chalkous from Sikyon)

KE 65 (Middle Hellenistic Athenian Lamp)

KE 242 (Middle Hellenistic Rhodian Amphora: stamped handle)

KE 1248 (Middle Hellenistic Knidian Amphora: stamped handle)

KE 1254 (Early-Middle Hellenistic Corinthian Blister-Ware Filter Vase)

KE 1277 (Middle Hellenistic Rhodian amphora: stamped handle)

KE 1863 (Middle Hellenistic Rhodian Amphora: stamped handle)

KE 2209 (Middle-Late Hellenistic Corinthian Mortarium)

Howland Type 30 Lamp

Howland Type 40 Lamp

Howland Type 43 Lamp

Howland Type 48 Lamp

Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 4

Suggested citation
“Middle Hellenistic (Historical Period).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <http://kenchreai.org/historical-chronology/middle-hellenistic>