KP268 (Early Byzantine Jug) [permalink] [show more links]
Inventoried Object
Logical part of
Inventoried Objects from the Greek-American Excavations at Koutsongila
sim. Bass1982, pp. 171–172, 174, no. P 28, figs. 8-12, 8-14 (Yassi Ada shipwreck, dated ca. 625-630 CE)
sim. Wilson2011, pp. 285, 291, no. 18, fig. 16 (Kaukana, Sicily, early 7th century)
False ring foot. Ovoid body. Belly corrugated; two irregular combed bands on shoulder. Narrow, cylindrical to flaring neck. Outward-thickened, rounded, undercut lip. Low-spined strap handle in high arc attaches to lower neck and upper body. Brownish red slip splashed on exterior rim.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric: 7.5YR 6/6, reddish yellow. Slip: 5YR 5/6, yellowish red. Hard, smooth, fine fabric with rare mica, rare small, rounded, white inclusions and uncommon small, subrounded, red inclusions; rare spalling. Thin, dull slip in traces along rim.
Preservation comment
Intact but small hole on underside. Slight, large patches of encrustation.
Published as
MorisonRife2022, pp. 601, 693-694, no. 176, fig. 17.41
Base Diameter
Body diameter
Rim diameter
Chronology comment
Dated early 7th century.
Belongs to Historical Period
Early Byzantine (Historical Period)
Ceramic (Material)
Suggested citation
“KP268 (Early Byzantine Jug).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>