Format: prob. Loeschcke Typus IV=Broneer Type XXIII=Bailey Type B group iv (Claudian-Trajanic)
Typological identification comment
On this motif in western lamps, see in general BMLII, pp. 76–77, 209, esp. no. Q 1013, fig. 82, pl. 29 (D. M. Bailey; Lanuvium, ca. 40–80 CE).
Typological identification comment
Shoulder: Loeschcke Schulterform VIIb
Motif: cf. Brants1913, p. 24, no. 333, pl. III (Rijksmuseum, Leiden; from Smyrna)
Motif: cf. Deneauve1969, p. 175, no. 769, pl. LXXII (Carthage)
Motif: cf. Menzel1969, pp. 54–55, no. 300, fig. 46.5 (RGZM)
Motif: cf. Mlasowsky1993, pp. 248–249, no. 246 (Kestner-Museum, Hannover; from Cyprus?, ca. 40–100 CE)
Motif: cf. Rivet2003, pp. 57, 102, nos. 57, 496 (Musée d’Istres; from Golfe de Fos)
Motif: cf. RosenthalSivan1978, p. 35, no. 130, p. 35 (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
Motif: cf. SalamineChypreVII, p. 130, nos. 344, 345, pl. 19 (T. Oziol)
sim. IsthmiaIII, p. 57, no. 2374, pls. 9, 28 (O. Broneer; shoulder and filling hole differ)
Circular to oval, flat discus has relief of crouching rabbit facing right to grapes and leaves, large filling hole below center, raised rim, and single framing groove. Rabbit and foliage type. Plain, rounded shoulder. Nozzle has small volutes.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric: 5YR 7/4, pink. Slip: 2.5YR 4/4, reddish brown. Fine, porous fabric with uniform consistency and frequent, small, rounded to subrounded, white (lime) inclusions. Thick, dull slip, extensively eroded in small flakes. Corinthian.
Preservation comment
One large fragment preserves ca. 75% of discus and ca. 30% of shoulder. Extensive abrasion and pitting; extensive encrustation.
“KL107 (Early Roman Corinthian Imitative Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>