cf. Hayes2001, pp. 449–450, no. B 55, fig. 9 (Medical faculty site, Knossos)
Convex upper body. Steep, outward-thickened rim with tapering lip; concave on inside. Flat strap handle attaches to rim.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric (core): 7.5YR 4/1, dark gray; (surface): 2.5YR 6/4, light reddish brown. Hard, gritty fabric with frequent golden mica flecks and common, moderately sorted, subangular to subrounded, white inclusions. Imported?
Preservation comment
One fragment preserves less than one-quarter of neck and rim and the upper handle attachment. Moderate erosion along breaks; slight, sparse encrustation.
“KP259 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Cooking Pot).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>