KP1956-003 (Early Roman Corinthian Cinerary Urn) [permalink] [show more links]
Inventoried Object
Logical part of
Kenchreai Cemetery Project Inventoried Objects
Typological identification
Regional Cinerary Urn
1950s: roughly one third of body and rim restored with white plaster and otherwise mended with shellac.
Flat bottom. Wide, deep, cylindrical body slanting unevenly to one side.. Wide, irregular, horizontal flange with impressed piecrust decoration at 0.032 m below rim; wide indentation pressed in by finger immediately below it ftom attachment. Rim tapers sharply upward from flange in three distinct steps: bottom one is slightly concave on exterior; middle one has thin line incised around top; and top one forms vertical, rounded lip. Four horizontal grooves inscribed on body: one at 0.018 m above base; two just above midpoint; one at 0.029 m below flange. Horizontal, spined, strap handle just above midpoint of body, attached over double groove. Seven horizontal zones of painted decoration extending from 0.032 m above base up to just below flange: 1) one tall, straight, solid band in red; 2) one very thin, long-wavey line in light brown; 3) one somewhat tall, straight, solid band in black or brown; 4) one wide, long-wavey line in black; 5) triple short, straight, solid lines in dark red or brown; 6) one somewhat thin, short-wavey line in red; 7) intermittent row of angular, vertical figures, perhaps hatching or chevrons, in black. Narrow, solid band in black painted around top surface of flange.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric: 5YR 7/4, pink. Hard, fine Corinthian buff fabric; cf. KP1956-004, Corinthian transitional and early Broneer Type XXVII lamps. Dull, thin, uneven, somewhat flakey, faded paint in mostly dense brushstrokes, preserved only in scattered patches.
Other number or identifier
Preservation comment
28 variously joining fragments preserve over 75% of vessel. Moderate to heavy, extensive abrasion and slight, extensive pitting and scoring; large, moderate patches of encrustation around base.
Base Diameter
Rim diameter
Ceramic (Material)
Suggested citation
“KP1956-003 (Early Roman Corinthian Cinerary Urn).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>