Soft, fine, fractious fabric consistently fired to reddish brown; hackly to powdery break. Very frequent, tiny glistening bits in breaks and likely flattened on extant surface; occasional medium calcareous chunks (one elongated); frequent darker bits. Surface was likely lightly slipped and fired just slightly darker than fabric but it is mostly absent. Underside of lid displays spiral, broad turning marks.
Preservation comment
Three joining sherds and one non-joining preserve > 75% of lid, with complete profile from knob to edge. (One other rim and one other body in same bag are from different vessel). Surfaces of the joining sherds are severely eroded and flaking; top of knob missing substantial chip. Worn breaks.
“KP1990-036 (Roman Cooking-Ware Lid).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>