Material, blunt rendering of shoulder motifs, and unperforated airhole indicate direct copy of North African original.
Model sim. Bussiere2007, pp. 132-133, nos. C 813, C 824, pl. 58 (similar discus but variable shoulder; Musée de Hippone, from area)
Model sim. Djuric1995, p. 74, no. C226 (similar discus but different shoulder; Anwati Collection, Montreal)
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Typical Late Roman Attic lamp fabric (fine with tiny white, gray, and black bits; orangish red, with platy fracture at surface); firing, and surface treatment (thin, mostly even, red slip that flakes and pits readily over discus and dripping down sides). Cleanly smoothed surface and seam throughout.
Preservation comment
One large sherd preserves ca. 45% of lamp, including small part of discus and channel to wickhole, right shoulder, and roughly two-thirds of wall and base. Moderate, extensive abrasion and slight gouging and chipping; somewhat worn breaks; thin, sparse patches of encrustation especially on walls.
“KE 110 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>