Late in B27 series: note manufacturing features and imitation of Athenian early unglazed motifs, not entirely even.
cf. Ke0416-L0082
cf. AgoraVII, p. 153, nos. 1818-1820, pl. 31 (J. Perlzweig)
cf. Bernhard1955, p. 322, no. 303, pl. LXXXIV (“warsztat koryncki (?)“; Muzeum Narodowe, Warsaw)
cf. CahnKlaiber1977, p. 388, no. 339, pl. 36 (Archäologisches Institut, Universität-Tübingen; from Alexandria)
cf. KerameikosXVI, p. 202, nos. 2587-2594, pl. 46 (B. Böttger)
sim. CorinthIV.2, p. 205, no. 700, pl. XII (glazed: final B27? O. Broneer)
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Typical fabric (pinkish hue), firing, and surface treatment. Prominent seam, separated in places, and ridge running up handle. Stikingly thin walled. Front right upper handle attachment strenthened with added clay before firing.
Preservation comment
One large fragment preserves small part of back left discus, ca. 15% of back to left shoulder, and entire handle. Rare large clay nodules.
Published as
KenchreaiV, p. 45, no. 189, pl. 9 (identified as Broneer XXVII Corinthian; H. Williams)
“KE 417 (Middle Roman Corinthian Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>