KE 442 (Ephesus 56 Amphora with Graffito) [permalink] [next] [show more links]
Inventoried Object
Logical part of
Chicago/Indiana/Vanderbilt Excavations Inventoried Objects
Subject number
P 112
Typological identification
Ephesus 56 Amphora
Typological identification
Graffito (pottery or lamp)
Typological identification comment
Large variant of Ephesus 56; see EphesosXV.1, pp. 167-168 (T. Bezeczky)
Amphora. Cylindrical neck that bulges slightly. Rim thickened outward, with rounded outer face and sloping upper interior face. Loop handles, oval in section, on upper neck just below rim. Graffito in deep, distinct strokes inscribed after firing(?) on upper side of handle: X.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Red fabric, fired light reddish brown at very surface, but some variation from inconsistent firing. Fine, very hard; smooth to slightly granular break. Rare, small, subangular, red (iron oxide) and clear or pale (quartzitic?) inclusions; highly micaceous. Ephesian (Bezeczky Ephesus Fabric B).
Preservation comment
One large sherd preserves ca. 8% of rim and adjacent neck and middle to upper handle. Surface in good condition though breaks slightly worn; large, thick patches of encrustation.
Published as
KenchreaiV, p. 112, no. RC 9, fig. 3 (B. Adamsheck)
Handle width
Preserved height
Estimated rim diameter
Wall thickness
Ceramic (Material)
Fabric Munsell reading
10R 5/8
Fabric Munsell reading
5YR 6/4 (very surface)
Suggested citation
“KE 442 (Ephesus 56 Amphora with Graffito).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>