KE 598 (Athenian Gouged-Ware Jug) [permalink] [next] [show fewer links]
Inventoried Object
Logical part of
Chicago/Indiana/Vanderbilt Excavations Inventoried Objects
Subject number
P 159
Typological identification
Athenian Late Roman Gouged Ware
Jug. Middle to lower body curved. Wide, deep grooves prominently cut at diagonals and crossing from upper body downward toward base. Slipped on middle to upper body.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric: orangish red, fired slightly more pale on exterior surface. Fine, medium hard; smooth to slightly conchoidal fraction. Uncommon, small to medium, angular, dark gray to black inclusions; rare, very small, subrounded white; and other rare mixed tiny bits; rare small voids opening at surface. Exterior of vessel finely smoothed. Slip: dark red with a tinge of brown, matte, thin, brushed unevenly in horizontal strokes down side to approximately lower level of gougings; one long drip of dark reddish gray slip running down wall from above. Typical Middle-Late Roman Athenian material and technique.
Preservation comment
One sherd preserves small part of lower body. Slight, somewhat extensive abrasion with flaking and chipping; worn breaks; small, thick patches of encrustation.
Preserved height
Preserved width
Wall thickness
Ceramic (Material)