sim. AgoraVII, p. 154, no. 1891 (Athenian lamp; signature branch; J. Perlzweig) = Karivieri1996, p. 230, no. 228, pl. 42 (dated first half of 5th century)
sim. AgoraVII, p. 191, no. 2777, pl. 43 (Athenian product; J. Perlzweig)
sim. KerameikosXVI, p. 292, no. 4679, pl. 81 (Athenian product; signed Chione; later product? B. Böttger)
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Late Roman Corinthian “red“ fabric (brick red, gritty; somewhat crumbly?), firing, and surface. Slight joining ridge and webbing but clean seam and alignment.
Preservation comment
One large sherd preserves ca. 75% of top part of lamp, including over two-thirds of discus and shoulder, most of nozzle, and upper handle. Slight erosion, moderate to severe, extensive abrasion, and slight chipping around edges; worn breaks; rare patches of encrustation.
“KE 704 (Late Roman Corinthian Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>