cf. AgoraXXXIII, pp. 136-137, 286, no. 386, fig. 60, pl. 49 (P 4459; dated ca. 350-late 290s BCE; S. Rotroff)
cf. CorinthVII.3, p. 148, nos. 761, 768, pls. 35, 64 (G. R. Edwards)
cf. CorinthXVIII.1, p. 164, no. 476, pl. 48 (Demeter and Kore; dated third quarter of 4th c. BCE; E. G. Pemberton)
cf. IsthmiaXI, pp. 26-27, nos. 37, 38, fig. 5, pl. 1 (Theater Cave, Deposit 3: late 4th/early 3rd c. BCE; J. Hayes and K. Slane)
sim. Ke1153-P300
1960s: rejoined with shellac.
Small squat aryballos with short conical neck, flaring rim with rounded lip and narrow handle extending from back of rim to shoulder. Closely spaced diagonal ridges on body. Slightly convex base.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fine, slightly laminar fabric with frequent, small to (rarely) medium, rounded and angular lime inclusions and chunks; mostly fired to red but darker near exterior surface. Exterior surface likely had consistent thing darker slip but that is variably preserved.
Preservation comment
Six joining sherds preserve most of rim, all of neck and handle, most of body, and part of floor. Thin wash is largely worn away. Extensive, moderate abrasion and chipping; worn breaks.
Published as
KenchreaiIV, p. 22, no. Gr 51a, pl. 5 (B. Adamsheck)
“KE 1067 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic Corinthian Blister-Ware Aryballos).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>