Format: Broneer Type XXI=Bailey Type D Group ii (Augustan-Neronian).
Typological identification comment
Shoulder: Loeschcke Schulterform IIa/V
sim. Balestrazzi1988, p. 296, nos. 801, 802, pl. 121 (Museo di Aquileia)
sim. CahnKlaiber1977, p. 344, no. 195, pl. 18 (Universität-Tübingen; Italian manufacture, from Alexandria)
sim. Ladstätter2005, p. 307, no. K 414, pl. 174, 216 (similar format but red-on-white; Ephesus, Hanghaus 2.4, mid-1st century A.D.)
sim. SalamineChypreVII, p. 170, no. 514, pl. 27 (but larger; T. Oziol)
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric: surface (1 mm) is reddish yellow, core is gray; numerous small to tiny, well sorted inclusions, many red, few gray, and rare white. Hard fired; cracking on interior. Reddish brown to dark brown, thick, mostly even slip (on interior has metallic sheen). Italian?
Preservation comment
One large sherd preserves ca. 20% of front discus and back of nozzle. Slight, sparse abrasion; slip crazing; worn breaks.
“KE 1360 (Early Roman Italian Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>