KE 1525 (Pontic Sigillata Bowl with Stamp) [permalink] [next] [show more links]
Inventoried Object
Logical part of
Chicago/Indiana/Vanderbilt Excavations Inventoried Objects
Subject number
P 402
Typological identification
Pontic Sigillata Zhuravlev Form 28
Typological identification
Pontic Sigillata with Manufacturing Stamp
Typological identification comment
The material, scale, form all approximate a sizable bowl early in the series, e.g., Zhuravlev Form 28.
sim. Zhuravlev2010, pp. 59, 144-145, e.g. no. 192, pl. 27 (Forma 28; dated last quarter of 1st century CE)
Open vessel, False ring foot with squared off out face and indentation above; bottom slopes gradually up from sharp resting surface to center, with fine grooving. Widely flaring lower wall. Thin double grooves around incuse planta pedis in center of floor. Stamp: schematic, lineally rendered foot with four toes including big toe; axial ridge over top.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fine, hard fabric, pale orange. Thin, deep reddish brown slip, darker (burnt?) on floor; unevenly applied across base.
Preservation comment
One sherd preserves ca. 55% of base and small part of adjacent wall. Slight, sparse abrasion, pitting, and chipping; worn breaks. Slight secondary scorching.
Base Diameter
Preserved height
Ceramic (Material)
Suggested citation
“KE 1525 (Pontic Sigillata Bowl with Stamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>