Close Athenian copy of Late Roman North African lamp
sim. Bourgeois1980, p. 71, no. 29, pl. VII (same discus but different shoulder; Mactar)
sim. Bussiere2007, p. 127, no. C 703, pl. 52 (same discus but different shoulder; Musée d‘Hippone; from area)
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Typical Late Roman Attic lamp fabric (unusually fine; orangish red), firing (hard), and surface (thin, uneven, matte slip, red to brownish red, over top and slightly over sides). Smoothed joining ridge and straight alignment at back of handle but upper handle twisted to right. Small fingernail(?) marks around lower wall.
Preservation comment
Six joining sherds preserve ca. 65% of lamp but missing part of right side. Moderate, extensive abrasion and frequent gouging, flaking, and chipping around edges; worn breaks; cloud of black discoloration around front lower part (secondary scorching).
“KE 1776 (Late Roman Athenian Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>