KE 1939 (Early Roman Italian Lamp) [permalink] [next] [show more links]
Inventoried Object
Logical part of
Chicago/Indiana/Vanderbilt Excavations Inventoried Objects
Subject number
L 511 a, b
Typological identification
Early-Middle Roman Italian Lamp
Typological identification comment
Format: Loeschcke Typus I B/C=Broneer Type XXII=Dressel Form 9=Bailey Type A Group iii (Late Augustan-Early Flavian)
Typological identification comment
Shoulder: Loeschcke III a
cf. Deneauve1969, p. 142, no. 520, pl. LIII (Italian product; Carthage)
cf. Ponsich1961, pp. 58, 87, no. 103, fig. 18, pl. X (Italian product; Cotta, Mauretania)
sim. motif on Broneer Type XXVIIC: BMLIII, pp. 83, 84, 405, no. Q 3254, fig. 104, pl. 117 (from Ephesus, dated second half of 1st/first half of 2nd centuries; D. M. Bailey).
2018 (June): sherds mended with acrylic resin (UHU Hart) (JLR).
Type of two cocks fighting, left one vanquished and right one upright.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Pale buff fabric, consistently fired; hard, fine, smooth breaking; rare, tiny, poorly sorted, white bits and few black. Even, thick (but thicker in grooving) slip, fired to brown with tinge of yellow but mottled, semilustrous almost with metallic sheen. Slip extends inside around filling hole and wickhole. Fingerprings on interior discus from pressing clay into mold.
Preservation comment
Three joining sherds preserve 75% of discus out to rim and back of volute nozzle, and one nonjoining sherd preserves entire handle and adjacent back wall. Very slight, sparse abrasion and scratching; mostly clean breaks and surface otherwise.
Published as
KenchreaiV, p. 22, no. 103, pl. 5 (H. Williams)
Weight (kg)
Ceramic (Material)
Has visual motif (depicts)
Bird (Visual Motif)
Suggested citation
“KE 1939 (Early Roman Italian Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>