For format cf. BMLII, p. 162, no. Q 870, pl. 11 (from Pozzuoli, dated 40-70 C.E.)
Same motif: BMLII, pp. 26, 27, 28, 332, 334, no. Q 1321, fig. 22, pl. 71 (Type P group iii=Loeschcke Type VIII, with green vitreous glaze; “central Italian”, dated 90-130 C.E.)
Same motif: BMLIII, pp. 18-19, 151-152, 157, nos. Q 1489, Q 3015, fig. 21, pl. 1 (Loeschcke Typus IB; from Cologne, dated first half 1st century CE)
Same motif: BMLIII, pp. 18-19, 368, 373, nos. Q 3012, Q 3015, fig. 21, pl. 98 (former: red-on-white lamp with two nozzles; latter: handle ornament; in both cases wings folded downward, unlike Ke1961; from Ephesus)
cf. Leibundgut1977, p. 215, no. 114, pl. 23:3 (from Vindonissa)
cf. Menzel1969, pp. 42, 58, no. 331, pl. 33:21 (RGZM; from Miletus)
sim. Berges1989, p. 66, no. 135, fig. 37 (Montans [Tarn])
sim. Loeschcke1919, p. 392, no. 389, pl. VI (Loeschcke Typus IV, Schulter Form IIb/IIIb; Vindonissa)
Circular format. Wide, flat to slightly rounded shoulder has three grooves. Somewhat concave discus has figural relief: Victoria facing, standing on globe, with wings spread upwars, left hand at side holding palm branch and right hand upraised holding wreath. Filling hole usually to left in comparanda. Narrow, short volume nozzle with rounded lip; small airhole at base.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Fabric: pale brown or buff, soft, fine, rare tiny black and red bits; faintly micaceous. Slip: orangish brown to rich brown; thin but consistent; matte. Central Italian?
Preservation comment
One large fragment preserves ca. 30% of right discus and shoulder and small part of base of nozzle. Very slight, extensive abrasion and rare chipping and cracking; worn breaks; slip everywhere eroded and flaking.
Published as
KenchreaiV, p. 23-24, no. 116, pl. 5 (H. Williams)
“KE 1961 (Early Roman Italian Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>