Large platter with short rim and large ring foot. Slightly flaring rim with rounded exterior profile and near straight interior face. Floor thickens towards base. Base has slightly bulging exterior profile and groove separating it from floor, slanted lower surface, sharp transition to interior face, smooth transition to floor. Four concentric rings of light rouletting on interior surface at center. Three impressions of stacking spacers extant outside these rings. Three impressions of stacking spacers are also preserved on lower face of base.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Very fine, slightly pinkish fabric with occasional tiny rounded voids. Slip is thick where best preserved, though with original patchiness on exterior; off-center double-dipping streak partially extant.
Preservation comment
One large sherd preserves ca. 45% of vessel, including entire base and full profile. Slight, sparse abrasion and rare pitting; worn breaks.
Published as
KenchreaiIV, no. ER 16, p. 54, pl. 14 (B. Adamsheck)
“KE 2103 (Eastern Sigillata A Hayes Form 3).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>