1960s: traces of acrylic resin from mending along break.
Jug or small jar? Ring base slopes upward to slightly concave bottom. Cylindrical body tapers upward. Late Hellenistic?
Fabric, firing, and surface description
2.5YR 6/8 (light red) fabric; 2.5YR 3/1 (dark reddish gray) slip. Attic? Fine fabric with no visible inclusions; rare subrounded to subangular, medium voids. Thin slip preserved on in traces on all surfaces.
Preservation comment
One large fragment preserves one third of base and lower wall; six large joining sherds preserve roughly 30% of middle wall; numerous small flakes. Severe erosion everywhere. From marine context: reddish brown fabric disintegrating, all edges blunted.
“KE 2411 (Late Hellenistic Attic Jug or Small Jar?).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <http://kenchreai.org/ke/ke2411>