Tear-shaped outline. Keyhole format. Oval, slightly concave discus has large filling holes middle left and right, design in low relief, and sharply raised rim. Design depicts Constantinian monogram with rho closed right and top loop extending past vertical arm, raised dots, and raised rim. Triple circle centered at bottom (cf. shoulder motif). Shoulder with rounded rim has broad groove with row of triple concentric circles, five per side (Bussière-Rivel Da 17), interrupted at right and left middle by quatrefoils (Bussière-Rivel Fa 8) and terminating on both sides at small triangular leaf (Bussière-Rivel Kb 1?). Long, rounded nozzle and a wide, straight channel from the discus to large wickhole. No evidence of burning. Single triple target in relief at base of cross within channel. Low, narrow, pointed, solid, fin-like handle extends down over discus rim in front and down in low ridge to base ring in back. Circular base with raised ring; plain interior. Decorative details are sharp and fine.
“KTH0176 (Late Roman North African Lamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <http://kenchreai.org/kth/kth0176>