Form with splayed base almost like foot and relatively straight lower wall(?) most resembles early Agora M334 (e.g. Reynolds2005, p. 602, pl. 15, fig. 107 [Beirut, 5th century?])
Pale orange fabric fired slightly more red at outside surface. Hard, slightly coarse; granular break, sandy texture; common, small, somewhat well sorted, sandy inclusions, mostly subrounded to spherical: uncommon lime or other calcarous chunks; uncommon to common, dark (mostly dark red/brown) and light (many quartzitic) bits; one large, angular, white chunk (limestone?). Southern Phoenician. Cf. KTH0814, KTH0832; sim. KTH2171.
Preservation comment
One sherd preserves 65% of base and small part of lower wall. Slight to moderate, extensive abrasion and large chips around edges; worn breaks; irregular specks to patches of encrustation.