KTH1372 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Southern Phoenician Amphora) [permalink] [show more links]
Inventoried Object
In or from KTH Container
Logical part of
Threpsiades Inventoried Objects
Typological identification
Agora M334 Amphora
Typological identification comment
Agora M334 similis
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Pale orangish red, consistently fired; hard, somewhat coarse; smooth to slightly granular break; numerous, small, well sorted, sandy inclusions, mostly rounded to spherical: many dark red and brown, few white and light gray (quartizitic and calcareous); very rare, medium, angular, white chunks (chalk or limestone?); rare, medium to large, subangular, bluish gray stoney inclusions. Sim. to Northern Galiliean-Southern Phoenician fabric represented by KTH1199, KTH2046, and KTH2058; but distinguished by less lime and presence of bluish gray chips. Cf. KTH0686 (Agora M334 similis but different from this) and KTH0711 (amphoriskos).
Preservation comment
One sherd preserves 35% of rim with middle to upper neck, including start of one upper handle attachment. Slight to moderate, extensive abrasion with minor gouging and scoring; worn breaks; extensive, irregular encrustation with thick patches around mouth.
Preserved height
Estimated rim diameter
Has geographic origin
Ceramic (Material)
Suggested citation
“KTH1372 (Late Roman-Early Byzantine Southern Phoenician Amphora).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <http://kenchreai.org/kth/kth1372>