cf. Hayes1971a, p. 244, fig. 2, pl. 36:b (from Athenian Agora)
cf. LafliBuora2024, pp. 273, 274, no. 6, fig. 16.4.4 (Agora of Smyrna, dated 530-550 CE[?])
cf. SaraçhaneII, pp. 8-9, esp. no. 5, fig. 2 (J. W. Hayes)
sim. AgoraXXXII, pp. 116, 288, nos. 1810, 1811, pl. 90 (“‘butterfly‘ monogram, elaborated“; J. W. Hayes)
Hollow toe with excess clay pulled unevenly to one side on bottom; steep, thick walls. Impressed circle with fine-lined monogram (incuse).
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Hard, dense, fine fabric consistently fired to dark gray; no visible inclusions. Surface smoothed: fine wash? Smooth, bubbly surface where exposed: incipient vitrification? Heavily burned after deposition(?).
Preservation comment
One small fragment preserves toe and lower wall. Possibly from same vessel as rim and neck sherd KTH0998. Extensive wear around breaks to rounded state; sparse specks of encrustation.
“KTH2041 (Late Roman/Early Byzantine Ampulla with Stamp).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>