Cylindrical lower body with slightly flaring wall. Simple base, vertical outer face, concave bottom.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Pale orangish red fabric, slightly more yellow at interior surface (1.5 mm); hard, slightly coarse; granular to slightly hackly break; common, mostly small, somewhat well sorted, sandy inclusions, mostly subrounded to spherical: common lime or other calcarous chunks; uncommon to common, dark (red, gray?) and light (many quartzitic) bits; very rare, medium, subangular, lime chunks (limestone?) and one large rounded quartzite grain. Excess clay on floor from spiral tooling; exterior wall has broad spiral groove with rounded peaks ca. 0.007 m peak-to-peak. Southern Phoenician. Cf. KTH1351.
Preservation comment
One large sherd preserves entire base and lower wall. Slight, sparse abrasion and chipping; uneven, somewhat sharp breaks; sparse specks to patches of encrustation.
“KTH2516 (Agora M334 Amphora).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>