cf. PaphosIII, p. 73, pl. XXVI:1 (contexts: “generally” first half 2nd century)
cf. Riley1979, pp. 295-298, no. 669, fig. 113 (Early Roman Mortarium B; Berenike-Benghazi)
cf. StobiI, p. 86, no. 624, pl. 277 (V. Anderson-Stojanović)
Low boal with rounded interior. Flat bottom. Thick walls with broad down-turned to drooping rim, rounded upper face. Groove marking rim off from inner wall. Trace of smoothing of clay under rim to make transition to outer wall.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Hard, medium fine to slightly gritty fabric consistently fired to pale yellowish red, with many inclusions: occasional medium golden micaceous flakes, occasional medium lime chunks, occasional dark stone chunks, very frequent angular varied small inclusions, mostly dark; frequent small voids. Thin wash slightly lighter than fabric visible over rim and exterior; floor and lower interior smoothed by abrasive use.
Preservation comment
Two large, joining sherds preserve full profile and 50% of rim. Slight, sparse abrasion; slight patches of encrustation.
“KTH2752 (Early Roman Italian Mortarium).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>