cf. Ladstätter2008, p. 137, no. K 181, fig. 31, pl. 292 (Vediusgymnasium, Ephesos, early 5th century)
cf. TekkökBiçken1996, p. 124, no. F41, fig. 90 (Troia, 3rd century)=Lüdorf2006, pp. 43, 82, no. P51, pl. 4 (Pfannentypus II/1)
Wide everted rim; nearly flat upper face has ridge at inner ridge for fitting lid; rounded outer edge; slight tool marks below where wall joins.
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Gray fabric. Granular, somewhat soft, with frequent small to medium, poorly sorted, angular, light inclusions; frequent silvery mica.
Preservation comment
One sherd preserves 5-8% of rim and small part of adjacent upper wall. Slight, somewhat extensive abrasion with rare pitting and chipping around edges; worn breaks; sparse specks to patches of encrustation.
“KTH2769 (Late Roman Imported Casserole or Baking Pan).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <>