2019/2020 (Argiro Tsigri, Isthmia Museum): 24 sherds refit using Acryloid B-72 and gauze stabilizing strips inside; two joining sherds do not connect to main group.
Clear evidence for secondary use. Lower part of the vessel has been intentionally removed, indicated by lower edge of two joining sherds that do not join to main group (lower edge is straight, and sherds can be set to stand flatly on it). Lower edge is flaked on interior to create a break that is very distinct from the post-depositional breaks. This is aspect of the vessel is one firm indication that it was repurposed after its original use as a transport vessel. There are also 9 extant perforations that indicate reuse and suggest that the modifications facilitated circulation of air or movement of liquid. Eight perforations are clearly ancient, one is ambiguous as to when it was made. Perforations can be divided into three categories that take account of placement and size: (1) Largest hole (0.039 m max. Diam.) is on neck opposite dipinto. It is somewhat oval, though its original edges are not all extant, as the upper part is missing and what remains may be chipped. (2) One perforation (0.021 cm max. Diam.) is almost directly below oval perforation on neck and just above shoulder carination. This is also oval but with irregular edges; long axis is horizontal. (3) Another perforation of approximately same size is nearly directly opposite and below carination. It is distinctly elongated with horizontal orientation (0.021 cm L., 0.013 cm H.). Allowing for imprecision in placement of perforations, it is reasonable to think of these two as a pair. (4) Directly below dipinto is well-formed perforation, much smaller and circular (0.004 cm Diam.). (5)-(6) At very slightly lower level but still above widest point of body two well-formed, small and roughly circular perforations (0.006 cm Diam.) are partially extant. These two are in sherds attached to main group of joining sherds. (7) At approximately the same level as these holes and roughly in line with large, oval perforation in neck is a vertical gap (0.019 cm H.) that may be partly ancient in that it preserves clean curve of a circular perforation (0.006 cm Diam.), though it may be at least in part a modern pick mark. Overall this gap can be distinguished from the others by having wide chip around outer edge and even more extensive chipping around inner edge. (8)-(9) The unattached group of two joining sherds preserves two perforations similar in size and formation to these lower ones in main group. One (0.007 cm) is below widest point of vessel but well above (0.104 cm) cut lower edge of transformed vessel; its circumference is completely preserved, but the break passes through it. The other hole is closer to that edge (0.064 cm above it); 3/4 of its circumference is preserved (0.009 m Diam) and it is largest of the small, well-formed holes. As a general comment, these small perforations have relatively sharp edges on the exterior and wide chipping on the interior. This suggests that pressure was applied from the outside to pierce the vessel wall. The purpose of the perforations in combination with the removal of the base (presumably contemporaneous) is uncertain. Certainly they are extensive enough to have transformed this vessel into a specialized element of an intentional activity. Storage of a product that need aeration is one possibility, or perhaps containing small animals as a pen. The removal of the bottom may have provided ventilation or access to a chamber. It is possible that liquid passed through the vessel, though the small size of most holes renders that possibility less likely.
Wide, tapering neck; flaring rim. Rounded body with widest point below midpoint; carination as body turns to shoulder. Two vertical loop handles, oval in section, attach to neck above mid-point and to shoulder above carination. Red dipinto in two lines on neck to upper body: ΠΑ | ΚΒ ϹΝ (height of alpha is 7 cm).
Fabric, firing, and surface description
Slightly granular fabric fired variably to reddish brown, frequent tiny golden micaceous bits (many visible on surfaces), occasional small rounded lime chunks and other smaller light bits, occasional medium dark stones, some other smaller to tiny varied bits. Exterior surface has thin wash, pale (near 10YR 8/3, “very pale brown”); interior plain.
Preservation comment
21 sherds preserve entire neck, stubs of handles at neck and lower part of one shoulder, most of body down to belly and past widest point; lower part and base has been intentionally removed as indicated by smaller group of two joining sherds; rim is entirely missing. Of these sherds 19 definitely join as single main group; two joining sherds were not attached to main group in conservation, though there is clear overlap, so that their position can be determined, and it is reflected in profile drawing. Slight, extensive abrasion and sparse, slight pitting and chipping; worn breaks; specks of encrustation. There are 9 perforations, 8 certainly ancient.
“KTH2804 (Dressel 24 Amphora with dipinto and alterations for use).” In Kenchreai Archaeological Archive, edited by J.L. Rife and S. Heath. The American Excavations at Kenchreai, 2013-2025. <http://kenchreai.org/kth/kth2804>