KC047 (Middle Roman antoninianus of Gallienus from Asia)
KC050 (Early Roman as of Nero from Corinth)
KM139 (Early Roman Boat Model)
Co 140 (Late Republican quadrans of Corinth)
Co 251 (Late Republican as of Mark Antony Imperator)
Co 472 (Middle Republican as from Rome)
Co 487 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine I from Cyzicus)
Co 576 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Thessalonica)
Co 632 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Demetrios Poliorketes)
Co 646 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constans I)
Co 648 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II or Theodosius I from Thessalonica)
Co 675 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantine I from Heraclea)
Co 702 (Late Republican quadrans of Corinth)
Co 714 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Demetrios Poliorketes)
Co 718 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Demeterios Poliorketes)
Co 719 (Early Roman diassarion of Domitian from Corinth)
Co 784 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Demetrios Poliorketes)
Co 884 (Middle Roman diassarion of Marcus Aurelius from Corinth)
Co 888 (Early Roman as of Augustus from Dyme)
Co 920 (Late Classical-Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Megara)
Co 1036 (Early Roman as of Augustus from Dyme)
Co 1091 (Late Roman bronze coin of Valentinian II from Thessalonica)
Co 1149 (Middle Roman denarius of Septimius Severus from Rome)
Co 1188 (Late Republican quadrans of Corinth)
Co 1214 (Late Roman bronze coin of Theodosius I from Thessalonica)
Co 1272 (Late Roman bronze coin of Constantius II from Thessalonica)
Co 1274 (Late Republican sestertius of Mark Antony Imperator)
Co 1301 (Late Republican dupondius of Mark Antony Imperator)
Co 1302 (Late Republican sestertius of Mark Antony Imperator)
Co 1314 (Late Republican as of Mark Antony Imperator)
Co 1318 (Late Republican as of Mark Antony Imperator with countermark)
Co 1322 (Early Hellenistic bronze coin of Demetrios Poliorketes)
Co 1324 (Late Republican as of Marcus Antony Imperator)
Co 1328 (Early Hellenistic hemiobol of Ptolemy I from Cypriot Salamis)
KE 606 (Middle/Late Roman Athenian Lamp)